

  • Hi Fay, I don't know I can help, but I am here the same as you. I'm 53. I got sick 6 years ago and managed to gain 150 pounds. Not my proudest moment. I don't have a profile and you can see, I've lost only one pound. Actually, I was down 23, but I got frustrated by how fat and immobile I have gotten and regained all but…
  • Hi Destiny, The calorie counters on exercise machines are semi-accurate. If you want a much more precise measurement, look into a Polar F4 heart rate monitor. It will tell you exactly how much you are burning based on your weight and height. It also makes sure you are working at an intense enough level. In 2005, I weighed…
  • I used to drink 2 2litre bottles of diet pepsi a day. last July 13th, I quit cold turkey on a whim. Almost immediately, I lost 30 pounds rather easily. Although I had "withdrawal" headaches of a day or two, they were not nearly as bad as I anticipate. Now, I drink only water. The 30 pounds have not come back and I very…
  • I lost 93 pounds in 10 months at age 46 with no lose skin. I think sticking to a fairly steady calorie count (1500) and really working hard in the gym made all the difference. I was working out 10 - 12 hours a week and lifting heavy and everything just fell into place. However, when I tried to keep up my exercise intensity…
  • In a past life, I lost 100 pounds in ten months -- starting from 336. By the end of that period I was lifting free weights and I do prefer that and it allows you to control the range of motion so you get better results. BUT, that does not mean you don't get results from machines. I lost the first 50 or so pounds with…
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