Where to start?

Hi all. am hoping someone can help me. Am looking to loose another 20kgs roughly so 3 days ago joined a gym. I am very unfit and just wondered if anyone has any advice on the types of exercise I am best to do. so far im walking until the machine says I have burnt 250 calories and cycling until it say I have burnt 150 calories. Other than this i'm stuck. look forward to hearing from you


  • kornpopper
    sound like your doing good on your exercise,
    just stick with it
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    Losing weight is about maintaining a calorie deficit. Diet first and foremost. Find your TDEE and BMR and eat between these two numbers.

    Exercise is about health. Finding what you like to do is important because you're more likely to stick with it.

    This link has great information:

  • destinyhope12345
    destinyhope12345 Posts: 67 Member
    Thanks both of you. think I need to work on reducing my intake as I seem to have stopped losing so was hoping the gym would help. Does anybody know how accurate the calorie counters are on the machines (sorry for the questions but am new to all of this)
  • marlyme113
    Hi Destiny,

    The calorie counters on exercise machines are semi-accurate. If you want a much more precise measurement, look into a Polar F4 heart rate monitor. It will tell you exactly how much you are burning based on your weight and height. It also makes sure you are working at an intense enough level.

    In 2005, I weighed 336 pounds (had to be weighed on a freight scale) at 5'3". I didn't think I could be athletic. Walking into my first gym was the hardest thing I have ever done. You have already taken that hard first step, so YEAH!!!! And it sounds like you are putting the time in. What helped me was keeping a record of each workout. A little diary of how far I walked, how many calories I burned, what I lifted. It really helped to see those numbers go up. And,a s my workouts increased, my weight dropped off -- 93 pounds in 10 months. I discovered I loved lifting weights -- who knew? Turns out, fat people are good at lifting because we have developed so many muscles lugging ourselves around. Cardio is much more difficult and you are already doing that. So, again, YEAH YOU!!!!!!!
  • destinyhope12345
    destinyhope12345 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Destiny,

    The calorie counters on exercise machines are semi-accurate. If you want a much more precise measurement, look into a Polar F4 heart rate monitor. It will tell you exactly how much you are burning based on your weight and height. It also makes sure you are working at an intense enough level.

    In 2005, I weighed 336 pounds (had to be weighed on a freight scale) at 5'3". I didn't think I could be athletic. Walking into my first gym was the hardest thing I have ever done. You have already taken that hard first step, so YEAH!!!! And it sounds like you are putting the time in. What helped me was keeping a record of each workout. A little diary of how far I walked, how many calories I burned, what I lifted. It really helped to see those numbers go up. And,a s my workouts increased, my weight dropped off -- 93 pounds in 10 months. I discovered I loved lifting weights -- who knew? Turns out, fat people are good at lifting because we have developed so many muscles lugging ourselves around. Cardio is much more difficult and you are already doing that. So, again, YEAH YOU!!!!!!!

    Thanks perhaps will try to increase my walking/cycling times
  • destinyhope12345
    destinyhope12345 Posts: 67 Member
    any other ideas? anyone?