@Icecreamheadaches I don't know if your psychic or a stalker lol but overall I have went from 26 to a 16 :/ I know like others have said they must have slimmed in some way but I just don't see it compared to my stomach, face, arms and chest. I look at pics of me then and I see the same thighs. :'(
I know your correct franny in regards to no one looks but it's just a paranoia thing isn't it. Thanks everyone I suppose I will just have to keep at it and one day I will have my slim thighs (hopefully) :)
Hi I'm from Glasgow, I have a bit more than 30lbs to lose maybe treble that lol. This is a lifestyle change now fed up doing diets fro a few month losing the weight I need then putting it back on the following year. Time to change :)
I also just wanted to add for those thinking its a low cal lunch, I eat every two hours so I am not hungry so a low cal lunch works well for me as I will be eating 2 hours later, just snacky things like banana's, apples etc Generally each thing is 100 calories. I stuck to this sort of eating plan when I was on…
Thanks for the replies the soup sounds like a great idea, as I can take that into work, saves the running about in the morning as well. i currently spend half the morning preparing my meal :tongue: I have thought about trying the wrap but anyone I have found lately have been quite high in cals so I haven't went near them…