sonia2003 Member


  • WOW! I cant believe how fast this group is flying!!! I am a week behind everyone as I was on holiday when the challenge started and a few days to recover from all the time changes! Anyways, day 3 of level 1and MY ARMS ARE KILLING ME! I cant wait until i get the strength to do all the pushups in proper form! great work…
  • Hello Shredders! Wow, this board has been flying! Ive been trying to catch up on all the posts! I just got back from a 2 week vacation on monday night so am still a bit jet lagged but hoping to start my 30 days tomorrow! You all are doing so great and even though Im a few days behind everyone, I think the timing for this…
  • I honestly think its better to practise on your own that taking the courses. I have taken term 1, and there is another 2 terms but yes, they teach theory, but you still need to practise on your own. I think you are doing so well on your own as self-taught and thats how i learned the most, was reading, and practising! you…
  • Thanks MissKortney!! I need to get the crease and blending part down and just need to practise! Oh, and for cleaning brushes, I also use a tiny bit of baby shampoo and it gets all the product out! Its great! And then I just lay the bruises down flat to dry!
  • Your husbands on to something! Purple would be great on your eye colour because it will make your eyes stand out! I just finished colour theory in my course! Purple, or I would use some gold if you want to bring out the green!
  • Hi! Im in the middle of my cosmetology course right now and my instructor never teaches us how to blend or where to do the crease for eye shadow! Any tips? She always says, blend blend blend, but never shows us, and when I ask she always says sure, and then forgets or gets busy with something else! Thanks!
  • You look amazingly SEXY, CONFIDENT, AND STRONG! All your hard work and dedication has paid off!
  • MEL! :heart: you! Hi everyone else in the group! I have been away on a course so I havent logged in to this group for a while! I completely forgot about this challenge until I saw it as my reminder today! I am going to definitely try and stay away from junk foods this weekend. I am "usually" pretty good during the week,…
  • Of course Id join your group Mel! :heart: You have the best tips and receipies ever!! I still am not 100% better, but starting tomorrow I will start again with 30 mins of light exericise and try to keep up with 30-45 mins minimum of exercise per 5x with 20 mins of strength training. I always slack off on the weekends and I…
  • Hi Mel!! Of course Im in! THANK YOU for setting up this group and for a place for us to talk, vent, share our goals and for all the support! Im still sick and a bit under the weather, but as soon I get better, I am onto detox for a week then on to healthy, clean eating! I cant wait to get to 120 as my ultimate goal and I…
  • Hi Mimi! Thanks for the update! I cant BELIEVE its been 5 weeks already! My weight today was: 130.2! I am soooo close to 129, I CAN FEEL IT! I know TOM is coming soon so I dont know if I will see that lovely 129 this week but I will keep at it. I just did about 5 days then another 2 days of the master cleanse, so I think I…
  • Thanks for all the info on Shakeology Sharon! I was under the impression that the Shakeology cleanse was the point of it but its good to know I have 2 different options! It kind of sucks you cant have any soy milk even on the Shakeology cleanse to blend the drink. I always love the taste of even a little bit of skim or soy…
  • Hi Ladies, I did my HIIT 15 and Stretch 10 but I need to add in another workout to see some good results. Lisa - I know you said you havent gotten your energy back and its totally understandable. I think if you can give another little dog a home when he needs one, that would be great. I hope you feel better soon…
  • Wow! Great tips. THANK YOU!
  • Mimi - thanks for the advice! I am definitely going to shake up what I eat! I have changed my workout from usualy gym cardio to Turbofire, but I didnt think of changing up my meals! I was actually going to try and do the master cleanse for about 10 days! Ahhh. I have done it once before 2 years ago, and the first few days…
  • Thanks Ladies. I didnt know it was possible to pull a muscle either! I was really scared, and now you ladies know that if you had a really tough workout and feel some constant chest pain, it might be something similar BUT with any chest pain, its better to just go to the doctor. Lisa - my heart feels for you. I really hope…
  • Wow, you look like a completely different person! I have BBL, but I havent tried it yet! I am working on completing Turbofire. Did you do P90x and BBL at the same time? Or did you finish one program and then start the next? You look great! and your stomach looks amazing, you cant even tell you are a mom!
  • Hi Ladies, I was MIA for a few days. I had some really bad chest pains for the last 3-4 days, and I finally went to the hospital since I was getting scared. I kept thinking, Im 28, I cant be having a heart attack, but it sure scared me. Anyways, after all the tests and check up, the dr said I pulled my muscle and inflammed…
  • I missed looking up the challenge yesterday, but I will definitely start today! Mimi, OH MAN, the last bit is soooo hard to get off. I am officially at 132-133 and my goal it to get back to 120! So, I basically need to lose the same amount as you! I love my weekend dinner out with my husband, but I think I am going to have…
  • Awww Mimi, we are always interested! I love your challenges! : ) I have been doing planks this week, and some arm weights (with my husbands help!) because I can never get the proper form! I am planning on starting my Turbofire 20 week program this Sunday and then keep at it for the next 20 weeks and see that kind of…
  • Hi Sam, Lisa and Sharon! Great burn ladies. I kind of wish I had a HRM or Bodybugg to know how many cals I am burning. This is definitely on my to do list! I just finished Fire 30 and Stretch 10, and will prob do HIIT 15 in the evening. I havent tried a Shakeology cleanse either, but definitely keep us posted on how it…
  • Awww Lisa, hang in there. I know how you feel by when things seem to go wrong with everything, one after another. The things that helped me the most was to somehow shift your focus and your moods into being more positive. I know when bad things start happening, I dwell on them, and then more bad things happen, so take some…
  • Aww Lisa, dont worry. I hope your bf and you are doing well. When you are emotionally drained, its definitely hard to even think of working out. Did Fire 55 EZ, and I gave it my all but in the last 10 mins, I was just so exhausted, I ended up stopping 10 mins early. I did the stretch 10 about an hour later. But glad I got…
  • Hi Everyone! I am back after my week of the horrible flu! Plantpot and Mel, I can definitely relate to the starting over again and trying to get the energy back! Mimi, I saw Shakira's music video at the gym too and I completely thought of you! She does have an AMAZING body! I just read a blog about trying to get my…
  • Hi Ladies! So today I set my alarm to get up early and do my workout, and OMG, I just COULD NOT get out of bed! Ugh! (thats what I get for watching Bachelor instead of going to sleep!) Tomorrow morning I have a class before work so I am already swamped in the morning, so I will try just 3 days a week to see if I can get…
  • Hi Sharon, Sam Lisa.. With being sick I am a week behind! I am looking forward to getting home and getting my workout done. I need to start waking up earlier to get my workouts in, thats a goal of mine, but I love my sleep too much, so I need to slowly work up to it. The TF workouts take me a while since I always pick the…
  • Thanks Sharon, Sam and Lisa for all your good tips! i will check Amazon for sure. Sharon, thanks for letting me know about the upcoming BB sales! I will let you know if I need to order anything. Have you heard any reviews on BBB? I havent tried the butt lift for a while, but I want to try it after TF. I finished Fire 55 EZ…
  • Hi everyone :) Yes, everyone I know has either just gotten over the flu or has it! It really is going around this time and I must say it was one of the WORST times I have ever been sick like this. I still dont feel 100% and I went to the gym yesterday. I am excited and scared to start my turbofire routine today! day 1, and…
  • Hi Everyone, I am FINALLY getting over the horrible flu or virus I had, and finally have managed to get some strength back. I am a week behind, and I am on planning on starting my turbofire again today, since I only got a few workouts in before I got sick. Back to it! YAY. I am excited, and hope I have enough energy to get…