

  • Never say never! Helping one's child is required, is expected, is acceptable within reasonable limits. Everyone deserves a second chance to mend their ways if they fall into self destructive behaviors. The behavior is a problem when it becomes a seemingly permanent pattern after repeated attempts to help the individual.…
  • Sorry, but your sister will continue b/c your mother is an "enabler." Your sister knows your mom will come to her aid and therefore she has no real reason to change. Your mother needs to stop feeding here addiction by picking her up everytime she falls.
  • To date, I've lost 23lbs. I started my quest to eat healthier and to lose weight, March 8th. I am still of the belief that "losing weight is a mind game!" Portion control and using "myfitnesspal" to log in meals, has been the key to my success. I still eat what I like, but less of it. I've just returned from a 3 week…
  • Stay the course...don't lose faith. Give yourself a chance to develop the mindset that will motivate you to lose weight. Don't defeat yourself before you've had a good start.
  • Very good...thank you!