Weights dont burn many calories. Get a cheap mountain bike and hit those trails - 700 or more calories per hour, and fresh air! Al
A bicycle - 700 calories per hour. You see things, hear things and smell things you don't in a gym, room, or tin box on wheels Al
Monday to Sunday
No! I have been cycling for one hour several days a week for the last two months. Each ride is 700 calories. That, and a bit of walking adds up to 3500 calories a week, which is 1lb of fat. My weight loss totals 2lbs a week because I don't eat my exercise calories. A bike isa very effective way to supercharge your weight…
Cycling - a one hour ride burns 700 calories and here I pass through woodland, the beautiful English countryside and pretty English villages. I don't eat the extra calories, I use my daily ride to loose an extra pound and a half a week. Who needs sweaty gyms, weights etc? Al
I like cycle touring. My panniers and bar bag weigh 30lb so I am aiming to loose that over 3 months by riding 10 miles a day with many small hills. This equates to 700 calories per day or 3500 calories per week which is 1lb of fat. Added to that is the 1lb a week I am losing with my diet. Cycling is a great way to speed up…
Cody, I am type 2. You can possibly beat it or hold it at bay with weight loss and increased exercise as you probably know. You are a big guy and the strain on your knees and hips could lead to arthritis in later life so avoid weights and running, its cycling and swimming you want to go for. I am only about 25lbs…