exercising too much?

Could I be exercising too much? I have been riding the recumbent bike 15 miles/one hour per day. I started about 4 weeks ago. Last week I missed exercising because one by one my kids had the stomach flu and I had sleepless nights and no energy to exercise. I lost two lbs last week. This week, so far, I have rode 15 miles Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and I have gained back a lb. I have been under my calorie limit intake because of the credits from exercising. Just wondering if I am overdoing it possibly? I am new to all this and have never in my life had to loose weight, even after each of my six kids. I am 52 years old. Frustrating.


  • I was told I was over exercising so I cut back from 1 hour a day 6 days a week to 40 minutes 4 times a week. I didn't gain or lose...I didn't gain or lose when I was doing and hour either...Don't know if this helps but I understand the frustration and realize it truly comes down to diet and weight lifting.
  • I am in the exact same position. I run 10k/6 days a week and am always way under the calories because of burning 700 by running, but no change in the scale in 3 weeks
  • alyrpal
    alyrpal Posts: 8 Member
    No! I have been cycling for one hour several days a week for the last two months. Each ride is 700 calories. That, and a bit of walking adds up to 3500 calories a week, which is 1lb of fat. My weight loss totals 2lbs a week because I don't eat my exercise calories. A bike isa very effective way to supercharge your weight loss. What you must be careful to do is to not do too much - like 2 hours per day, or, you will not have enough free calories around and you will get what cyclists call The Bonk (runners call it the wall).
    Keep up that cycling and pack in a few hills, your heart and lungs will love it.

    Who needs gyms?

  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    A small weight gain is likely just water weight. That said, there's no defined rule of what is "too much" exercise as an exact level. Are you showing signs of overtraining? Are you tired even though you get enough sleep? Getting sick a lot? Depressed? etc. If so, you may be overtraining and need to dial it back.
  • ME0172
    ME0172 Posts: 200
    Did you drink as much water when you didn't exercise as when you did? For me I don't drink a lot of water unless I exercise. I'll drink a 24oz bottle while exercising, but don't drink it in addition to my regular water on the days I don't. So it could be water weight or, conversely, dehydration, that had you show weight loss on the week you didn't workout.

    Don't let this make you think you've done something wrong. Many things can make you go up or down a pound or two. For me it's PMS - I'm 5 pounds heavier for 4 days every month than the rest of the month. Keeping a diary I noticed the trend.

    As for exercising too much - I recommend having a rest day or two in your week to allow your body to recover.

    Good luck!