Keakia Member


  • Hello Everyone, Can't believe it's Tues. I feel like I need a redo of Monday! Last week was crazy with family in town and now I'm on day 3 of caring for a very sick, vomiting, 3 year old. UGH! Needless to say, I've slipped a bit in my diet and exercise, but I'm determined to get back on track! No excuses! Enjoy your day!!!
  • Hi Everyone! Can't believe the weekend is nearly over! I've been dealing with two sick girls the last 3 days, but managed to get on the treadmill twice. I feel pretty good about that! I'm BEAT tired, so have some fun out there for me, okay? Enjoy the rest of the day! :)
  • Thank you! Def. have to try this one!
  • Whew! I am DRAGGING this morning! My three year old got up sick at 4 am. That threw off my morning. I need to get my butt on that treadmill now, even though I have ZERO desire. I have to get my workouts in the am or it doesn't happen. Once the girls get up, there's no way. Choco and LIght1980--I know what you're feeling!…
  • Happy Monday everyone! Food/exercise this past weekend wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that great either. Overall, I think I did okay and didn't go over my cal. counts. I was really craving things that I shouldn't have and that hasn't happened in about a month. I need to learn how to handle it when it does. Any good…
  • Happy Mother's Day! It's a bit windy here in Las Vegas today....but beautiful, sunny blue skies! Hope everyone is enjoying their day!
  • jzbaby-Doesn't it make you feel good just knowing that there are others of us out there, (the "extra" shorties that we are), all dealing with the same struggles? We are not alone and that's a wonderful thing!
  • Hello! It's been a few days since checking in here, but it's not for lack of thought! lol... My goal this month is to kick up my exercise! CaseyLynn- We are in the same boat! I'm 4'11 too! 115 at this point would be marvelous! You can do this!!!
  • Happy May! I got my butt on the treadmill and even jogged a little today. I know I need to give myself some credit for it, but it's hard to not be able to do what I used to. Sometimes it's hard to not compared yourself to others...Just keep going, right?
  • Hello! I'm definitely here to lose the baby weight. I have 20 lbs too. My baby is 8 mo. I hope to be well on my way to goal when she turns one. MFP helped me lose the baby weight with my first baby, so I'm counting on it working for the second! The support here is wonderful! You (and anyone else) can add me as a friend if…
  • Happy Friday! Barbiecat- I have been thinking about getting a pedometer for months. I guess it's time to just do it! I have heard in the past that Lesle Sansone's program is pretty good, I will have to check that out too. Thanks;) Chocolickkyss- I'm NOT at ALL ready to try either of the programs yet, but I am looking at it…
  • I am so impressed with all of you and your commitments to working out. I am trying hard to get back on track with my exercise and right now, I am doing well just getting myself on the treadmill each morning. I think you will all keep me motivated! ;) I want to eventually get to the point of trying P90X or Insanity, but…
  • Thanks for the welcomes! I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • I'd like to join you all! I'm 4'11" and no one understands us "shorties" than other "shorties!" Shoot...5'4" is TALL for me! ;)
  • I have been a part of MFP since April, but I don't usually post. Today, I just need to vent a bit and get some motivation and support. I was doing so well with my weight loss. Since March I have lost 28 pounds but as I get to a few pounds of my goal, I find myself slipping out of control. I eat what I know I shouldn't and…
  • I feel for sister in law has the same thing! I am not a dr. but I know from past experience that if I jump back too soon after an illness, I tend to stay sicker--longer. Does that make sense? Cut yourself some slack and do what you can :)
  • I agree! I just came across this site today and joined. It's very entertaining as well.