Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ April '10



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Thank Goodness It's Friday! Today is week 1 day 5 of the P90X program so I completed the Leg and Back + Ab Ripper dvd. My legs were already hurting from the HIIT and now they are SCREAMING at me. I am feeling good about my first week back on P90X b/c my body feels strong.

    Jam: I'm always down for a little competition so what's the challenge?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    hi all,
    well here comes the weekend which is usally bad with my husband wanting to eat out. I usally can choice something to eat that I won't feel so bad about eating out. BUT this weekend we are going to the big race in talladega, that means eating JUNK all day. I am starting to worry about all my hard work. what can I eat that won't do me in on the scale? Any ideas?
    have a good weekend everyone.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Bring your own food......there won't be anything at any race track that you can possibly eat and not go way over your calories and way under your nutrition.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Saturday everyone! It is a rainy/dreary day here in Atlanta and as a result I was able to sleep in. Since I get up every weekday at 5 am to get my workout completed the extra rest was definitely needed. Today is week 1 day 6 of the P90X program and Kenpo X has been completed. I'm still pretty sore from the weight lifting and the HIIT so I'm looking forward to relaxing the rest of today and completing the stretch X dvd tomorrow.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I'll check back in later.

    No plans for me today. It's a rainy/gloomy day here in Atlanta and I'm so happy b/c I don't feel any pressure to get out the house. I don't want to do anything other than watch the NBA playoffs, read and chill. Tomorrow I head to another mall in hopes of finding some grown and sexy attire for this LA trip. Can I just say that as much as I'm looking forward hangin out w/my girlfriends I really want this trip to be over with. The fact that I haven't found any sexy clubbin clothes yet is starting to stress me just a little. I love to travel and I usually don't have a problem finding night time outfits but this year is different and i'm not sure why. Anyhoo, I plan on hitting the mall tomorrow and the outlet on Monday since we have the day off from work.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Cindyrey - I agree with Barbie. Bring your own snacks with you. It will save you money and calories.

    I did over an hour of various exercises for 437 calories. But dinner was high calorie, so I hardly had anything thing left over.

    DD is able to go for a walk for 20 minutes now, so she wanted to walk around the mall. It takes 10 minutes to do one loop and we did 2. Tomorrow we will walk the dogs. That should be very exciting as they haven't been on a walk in a long, long time. I will walk both and let DD relax.

    Have a great evening and rest of the weekend.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It is a Sunny and comfortable Sunday morning here in Atlanta and I got up early to complete my workout so I can relax a little bit before I hit the mall. Today is week 1 day 7 of the P90X program so it's suppose to be a rest or stretch day. I decided that in addition to completing 30 minutes of the Stretch X dvd I would also do a final Insanity Fit Test. I completed the fit test first and then the stretch dvd and oh how happy my body was. Here are the results of the Insanity Fit Test

    Test 1: Test 2: Test 3: Test 4:

    Switch Kicks: 50: 70: 80: 105

    Power Jacks: 57: 70: 80: 91

    Power Knees: 80: 95: 110: 121

    Power Jumps: 32: 44: 62: 78

    Globe Jumps: 8: 10: 12: 12 (no improvement)

    Suicide Jumps: 12: 18: 21: 18 (slight decrease)

    Push up Jacks: 20: 32: 40: 45 (slight improvement)

    Plank Oblique: 40: 54: 60: 67 (slight improvement)

    The first few exercises really took a lot out of me which is why my numbers began decreasing but overall I'm really happy w/my progress.

    Jam: I'm glad you and DD are able to get out and get moving. Way to go w/varying your exercise workout to get a great calorie burn.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and happy Monday! Today is week 2 day 1 of the P90X program and I have just completed the Chest and Back dvd. I don't particularly like this workout b/c of the amount of push ups required and the fact that my upper body strength still sucks. I know I'm getting stronger but not close to where I would like to be.

    Today I incorporated a little bit of the Insanity program into the workout. I swapped out the P90X warm up for the Insanity one and it definitely made a difference w/the calorie burn. My heart rate was elevated and I felt pretty good.

    Now that the workout is complete I can begin my day. Since I don't have to work I'm hitting a different mall in hopes of putting the final touches on my L.A. wardrobe. I'm happy to report that yesterday's shopping trip was a huge success. I was able to purchase three "club" outfits (2 dresses and 1 bustierre type top w/shorts) and a cute casual outfit (cargo style capris w/matching jacket) for the plane ride. Now that the outfits have been identified I have to purchase some sandals, accessories (belts, bracelets, necklaces, hand bags) and undergarments. You never know who you might run into in L.A. so I want to ensure I'm lookin my best...LOL.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Lol Well i'm glad you found some stuff to wear on your vacation Choco!! I went to the casino on Saturday for the 1st time ever...(im 24 now lol) and I won $115!! And that was off of the free $10 they give you to gamble with. So needless to say, my 1st experience was a great one! haha. Now to figure out what i'm gonna treat myself My cousin had her baby girl this weekend too. So all in all it was a great weekend. I also went food shopping & stocked up on the healthy stuff, so I'm ready for a healthy week. I think my period is coming on cause I feel so bloated & crampy & my water weight & weight are up on the scale. Bllahh its tough being a woman!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :drinker: Choco---congrats on finding the cute sexy clothing you wanted for your trip to LA
    personally, I think you'd look great in anything you wear, but I know you had some special looks in mind......I hope your trip is fabulous:bigsmile:

    :drinker: jzbaby
    I'm glad your casino visit was fun and profitable:drinker: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: JAM I'm so happy to hear about your daughter's continued success...enjoy your walks

    :drinker: My low exercise cleanse day yesterday went well....I did ride the exercise bike for 20 minutes and also get 5000 steps on my step counter, but it was a rest compared to my usual days......I think I finally got rid of all the sodium water retention from my big restaurant curry splurge. I played 12 games of Wii tennis before lunch and am starting to get more skilled.....I think I'll have to play left handed sometime to work those same muscles in my left arm

    It's windy so I don't really want to take the dogs to the park but I probably will anyway.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: somebody said that waiting for motivation was ridiculous, "just do it" so I guess I will :heart: :heart:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    :drinker: jzbaby
    I'm glad your casino visit was fun and profitable:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Thanks!! What is the name of the cleanse you do? How does it work?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member

    Thanks!! What is the name of the cleanse you do? How does it work?

    I use the Isagenix cellular cleansing and fat burning system.....I've been using it for over a year and I love it.:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. I didn't sleep well last night. I went to bed early but was up by 1 am and could not get back to sleep until after 3 am YET I was up at 5 am so i could hit the gym. The alarm clock sounded way too soon but I got up and got dressed to hit the gym to complete my cardio. Today is week 2 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Since I was pretty successful last week w/HIIT I decided to try it again today.
    Here's how I completed the routine today

    5 minutes - warm up - moderate pace (my pace: 5.0)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.7)
    4 minutes - recovery speed (my pace: 6.0)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.7)

    I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    I pushed myself a little harder today. Last week my recovery speed was btwn 5.0-5.4 mph and the sprints were at 7.5 mph. I'm hoping I can do it again on Thursday.

    Once the HIIT was completed I hoped on the elliptical for 15 minutes and then completed a 15 minute ab circuit.

    Jzbaby: Great job for rackin up at the casino especially since it was your first time going. I'm not a gambler by any means. My girlfriends and I went to Vegas in 2008 as part of our annual girls getaway and we didn't gamble at all. Everyone was so surprised that you could be in Vegas and not at least try your luck at the slots. I've gambled before and am not a fan of losing my hard earned cash so I keeps it on the minimum. I'm glad you had more success than I ever did.

    Barbie: Thank for the support.
  • Keakia
    Keakia Posts: 18 Member
    I'd like to join you all! I'm 4'11" and no one understands us "shorties" than other "shorties!" Shoot...5'4" is TALL for me! ;)
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Barbie- Can you give me the name of the website? I am going to look into it, because I sure need some help along the way lol. And it sure seems to be working for you! Is it a shake that you drink?

    Welcome Keakia!!

    Choco- Thanks...I am not usually a gambler either. But my mom, aunt, SIL & some others were going there for a Girls Night Out so I thought what the heck, i'll go...and now i'm glad I did! Haha...Now i got the "itch" I wanna go back lol. And they sent me an email giving me a free $5 to gamble with, they think they are slick tryin to lure me back!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    Barbie- Can you give me the name of the website? I am going to look into it, because I sure need some help along the way lol. And it sure seems to be working for you! Is it a shake that you drink?

    jzbaby, this is a good website to check about Isagenix There are some videos about the products Start with "Are You Toxic?" and "Cleansed for Life"

    The products changed my life. Take a look at the videos and then I'd be glad to answer any questions you have and tell you more about Isagenix. :heart: Barbie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Keakie - Welcome! Glad you found us.

    JZ - Congratulations on your winnings.

    Barbie - Until they make a chocolate ice cream flavored cleansing drink, I won't be trying it. I certainly do admire you for doing it and I have cousins that use it also and they swear by it too.

    Choco - I hope you finished off your vacation wardrobe. If you lived near me, I'd send my teenage daughter with you shopping so that she could learn how to shop until you drop.

    I've started using 1 pound wrist weights with my exercises. If this is a repeat, sorry, I get confused some times about what I've posted where.

    DD and I are on a no meat til dinner dare. We are trying to see who can hold out the longest on not eating meat for lunch. I hope those polar bears appreciate our efforts.


  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Hump Day all! I have to make this post short and sweet since my work day has begun and I have to get cracking. Today is week 2 day 3 of the P90X program and I completed the "Shoulders & Arms" dvd. While I'm still little sore from my chest and back workout from Monday I was able to give it my all and I feel pretty good.
  • Keakia
    Keakia Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes! I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I did what I thought was a moderate amount of wii tennis and wii bowling, first right handed then left I discovered that I have aches in muscles I didn't know I had......this new wii game is going to be a very useful fitness tool along with walking, dancing, and the stationery bike.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Keakia, welcome to the group....we're glad to have you with us.:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's day has gotten off to a great day! I woke up at 4:30 am this morning so I could hit the gym a little early and get to work a little early. While I made it to the gym and got the workout in I stayed in the sauna longer than I should have and as a result made it to work on time (not early like I had intended) but I will say my body is very thankful for the 15 minutes in the sauna.

    Today is week 2 day 4 of the P90X program so I've designated it a cardio day. I attempted to complete the HIIT workout that I completed on Tuesday but the treadmills at the gym were not cooperating. Every time I started jogging the treadmill would read "check system" and then stop. I tried another treadmill and received the same comment so I decided to hop on the elliptical. It all worked out b/c my back and knee were bothering me so to sprint would have been problematic. Forty five (45) minutes and 435 calories later the workout was complete.

    Barbie: Any type of extra movement is going to be helpful so you keep Wii'ing it up over there. I'm glad you like the system. I've thought about investing but haven't made the leap just yet.
  • Keakia
    Keakia Posts: 18 Member
    I am so impressed with all of you and your commitments to working out. I am trying hard to get back on track with my exercise and right now, I am doing well just getting myself on the treadmill each morning. I think you will all keep me motivated! ;) I want to eventually get to the point of trying P90X or Insanity, but truly, the idea scares me to death! Any suggestions for me would be great! ie: How in shape to do I have to be before possibly starting? (Honestly, right now, I am not in shape at all!)
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