Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ April '10



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! I must admit this has been a very unproductive work week. I'm not sure what's the deal but I need this week behind me b/c I like being productive. Everytime I attempted to begin a new assignment I would start procrastinating find any and everything else to do other than what needed to be done. It's going to be a crazy busy weekend here in the Atl. I have a friend visiting from out of town, I'm hosting a book club meeting and I'm still in shopping mode for this L.A. trip.

    Anyhoo, enough about my work week and upcoming weekend and on to the workout. Today is week 6 day 5 of the Insanity program so I completed the Core Cardio and Balance dvd. As I have stated in previous posts I enjoy this workout b/c the moves are intense but the pace is not. It really allows you to focus on your form and to get the most out of each movement/exercise. I was suppose to complete Max Cardio but opted for Core Cardio and Balance so not to continue aggravating my knee.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I will check in later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We finally had a few hours of weather that was warm enough for me to work outside. I used the time to pull all the weeds in the front yard that annoy me when I walk the dogs (that's not all the weeds, just the ones along the path and the driveway). It was very satisfying work and added a lot of satisfaction to my day. The rest of the day has been business as usual.....exercise bike, line dance, exercise bike, dog park,, exercise bike, dog walking, working on paperwork, and later there will be more time on the exercise bike. When DH gets home I won't be able to eat my meals while riding the exercise bike and watching TV :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I've had the hide-a-bed open in the living room so the dogs have a comfy place to stretch out to watch TV so I haven't had a space to do pilates or yoga.....yes, I hear you saying that my dogs are spoiled, but I already know that......I'll be home in the morning tomorrow so maybe I'll close up the bed and change my workouts.:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello ladies, today I'm considering cleaning the house as exercise b/c I just finished two hours of cleaning and still have more to do. Since I am hosting today's book club I wanted my house to be sparkling clean from top to bottom. I've been up since 7 am and have just decided to take a break to check in on my ladies. Thus far I have swept and mopped all the floors in the house (kitchen and two bathrooms) and vacuumed all the rooms w/carpet (dining, living, master bedroom, guest bedroom and home office). I have also dusted everything and thoroughly cleaned one bathroom. I now have the master bathroom to clean and the front and backyard to mow. Just to ensure I got my heart rate up I jogged in place while I folded two loads of laundry. I'll admit I looked a bit crazy jogging in my laundry room while folding towels and things but I wanted to make sure I could count my house cleaning as a workout.

    Well I'm off to cut the grass. I'll check back later. The book club meeting is not until 5 so I'm hoping to be done early enough to relax before the "Sophisticated Ladies" (name of our club) arrive.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Well, it's a rainy Saturday in New Mexico and it's suppose to stay rainy for days. We need all the water that comes our way. I had wanted to get out and start weeding, but New Mexico rain means New Mexico mud. The mud here is more like quicksand combined with cement than regular mud. If it dries out a little I can still go pull weeds. If I try to do it now the mud will actually suck my shoes off and leave me barefooted.

    I've done 27 minutes of yoga on the Wii and we are getting ready to go swimming, so at least I will have my workouts today.

    Have a great day all and I will check in with you later,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    Here is a pic I took last month prior to heading to the Fresh Fest concert w/my girlfriends. Excuse the facial expression b/c I was in the process of laughing but wanted to give you an idea of how the workouts are coming along. I'm rocking my size 4 jeans.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I completed the P90X fit test today. It's not nearly as intense as Insanity so today truly feels like a rest day. The fit test consists of the following components:

    1. Taking your resting heart rate.....that was real easy...LOL

    2. Pull ups - I completed 1 which is the minimum for a female, whew, glad I passed that

    3. Vertical Leap - Not sure I completed this correctly especially since there's no one here to assist but I jumped as high in the air as possible. I got pretty decent height.

    4. Push ups - I completed 10 but I realized afterwards I was suppose to go to failure so I'm sure I could of rocked out a few more (although my shoulders are still sore from the Insanity workouts so not sure how much more)

    5. Toe touches - This was to measure your flexibility. Basically you sit on the floor w/your legs extended in front of you. You bend at the waist (never bending your knees) and try to touch your toes. I was able to get about an inch past my toes so I guess that's pretty good.

    6. Wall squat - You stand against the wall and go into a squat position and hold the position for a minimum of 1 minute. I was able to hold it for 1 minute 10 seconds before my knee started hurting.

    7. Bicep curls - Women needed to use a minimum of 8 lb weights and complete at least 10 reps. Since 8 lb weights are the biggest I currently have in my collection (I'll have to invest in 10 lbs) I use them and was able to complete 40 reps before my arms started to burn.

    8. In and outs - Its an ab test and you needed to complete at least 25 reps and I was able to complete 30 before the lower back started hurting.

    9. Heart rate maximizer: I had to do jumping jacks at a steady pace for 2 minutes and in the last 30 seconds are at a rapid pace. Then I had to immediately record my heart rate and then continue to record it in 1 minute intervals. Not sure why I had to monitor the heart rate. I was able to rock out well over 100 jumping jacks in that timeframe though so I'm happy.

    It looks like I have successfully passed the P90X fit test and I will begin w/chest and back tomorrow. I've also decided that on P90X cardio days I'm going to head to the gym instead (whenever possible) to use the elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster and spin bike.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Choco- You are an inspiration to all of us! You look fantastic in your size 4 jeans. I do believe that you have so inspired me to lower my goal from a size 10 to a size 8. I don't think I could ever fit into a 4-6 again and not sure if I want to at my age. (soon to be 57)

    I dyed my hair last night. lol This is a direct result of finding so many relatives on Facebook and seeing that I am the ONLY one of 27 girl cousins who had not given into dying the gray away. I will try to get a new picture as I am not sure if I will keep it up or not. I used the stuff that washes out eventually.

    Well off to chores and swimming/pt with DD.

    Happy Sunday all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and is ready to "Bring It" this week. After 7 weeks of Insanity I decided to give my poor knee a break (I have arthritis in the right knee and lower left back) and head back to the P90X program. While I will incorporate some Insanity workouts in here and there especially on P90X cardio days if I am unable to make it to the gym but my knee just couldn't bare it any more b/c of the constant jumping. Anyway, today is week 1 day 1 of the P90X program and I just completed Chest and Back. This dvd has always been a killer for me b/c my upper body strength just sucks. Today was particularly hard b/c my upper body is still sore from all the Insanity drills but I rocked it out as best I could. I can tell I have gotten stronger b/c I used 8 lb weights for all of the back exercises and they were too light. The 8 lb weights are the biggest I have right now so I'm going to have to invest in some heavier ones or find a way to use my resistance bands.

    I hope everyone has a great day!

    Jam: Thank you so much for the compliment. I definitely feel good and am so glad I found this website b/c everyone is so motivational. My history has shown that after meeting my goal I slack off w/the exercise or the eating and then re-gain the weight. This time it feels like it's going to be different.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Choco you look amazing!!!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: Choco, you look fabulous........I knew you'd look that good after all the great workouts you've been doing.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. My day started at 5 am. I got up and dressed ready to hit the gym to complete my cardio. Today is week 1 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Instead of completing the Plyometrics dvd I headed to the gym to complete a HIIT. I found this 30 minute sprint workout on and decided I want to try it out. Since this was the first time I ever did a HIIT I was a bit nervous and unsure of how fast I really would be able to run on the treadmill especially since I've not been on one since December 2009. Anyway, the workout was broken down like this:

    5 minutes - warm up - moderate pace (my pace: 4.0)
    5 minutes - moderate pace (my pace: 4.8)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    4 minutes - recovery speed (my pace: 5.0-5.4)
    1 minute - sprint as fast as you can (my pace: 7.5)
    and I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    Once the HIIT was complete I hopped on the Elliptical for 15 minutes and finished the workout with a 20 minute ab circuit.

    I feel absolutely wonderful after this workout and I will try it again on Thursday. I'm now sipping on a yummy banana/strawberry protein shake and about to start my workout week.

    Jzbaby and Barbie: Thank you so much for the compliments. It really feels good to see your hard work, sweat and tears pay off. Now I'm just trying to find some sexy and classy outfits to rock out in Los Angeles. My best girlfriends (the ones who came to visit for the fresh fest concert) and I are hitting the streets of LA for Memorial Day weekend and I want to feel confident about my body so I can pull of whatever outfit I decide to wear.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey everyone. I finished my workout today, but I must admit I am on another one of my 'eat whatever, not exercise' binges. This was my 1st workout since Thursday. I havent even been logging for the past couple days & the scale def. reflected that today, showing me 143.6. I really hate that I cant be consistent. It's like two steps foward, one step back. Summer is approaching too fast for me to have this 'i don't care' attitude!! I need a serious kick in the *kitten*!!!! Anyway hope you all have a good tuesday.

    And Choco- Don't worry...You will rock out whatever you decide to wear cause you got the body to do it!!! Hope you have fun in LA!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is hump day, so, happy Wednesday everyone! Today is week 1 day 3 of the P90X program so I rocked it out w/the Shoulders & Arms dvd. I can tell I'm getting stronger b/c the 8 lb weights that I used when I first attempted the program back in February 2010 where light so I'm going to have to really get some heavier weights. My shoulders and arms are still a bit sore from all the push ups from Monday but overall my body is feeling good.

    Jzbaby: It seems like you've been having more of these "eat whateva moments" and I'm wondering if you ever stopped to think about what triggers these episodes. The best way to combat them is to learn the cause and then try to incorporate something else in it's place when you have a trigger. I want nothing but for you to succeed at your goals but I noticed you've been struggling and I don't want you to totally give up. Give it some thought and shoot me an email if there's anyway I can help. Hope today is a better day.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I finished my workout for the day & I stayed within my calories yesterday, so that is a start.

    Choco- This is true. I had a rough patch over the holidays, but then since January I have been doing pretty good for the most part & dropped a couple pounds. But for the past month or so I have been having A LOT of these fall backs. I never really thought about WHY I do it. But I am going to really think about it. Two things I can think of off the top of my head are A) I just get tired of the program & miss just being able to eat mindlessly without thinking about calories (but then after I do it I feel guilty) and B) Not to blame it on other people cause I know its up to me to do this but...My boyfriend is always wanting to get fast food, have a snack or make something fattening (He is on the opposite diet I am--He is trying to GAIN weight). And I have a REALLY hard time saying no or picking something healthier. I have to put some serious effort in to making changes. The only thing keeping me from giving up is the progress I have already made. I can not imagine letting all those months of hard work going down the drain. But thanks for the kind words and thought provoking question. I am going to be thinking about it long and hard & hopefully I can come up with a solution.

    Have a good day ladies!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby: Well it seems like you have an idea of how these binges start. I know my trigger is I can't allow myself to get too hungry. I try to eat every couple of hours and if I'm out and about and unable to eat for whatever reason I get very attitudinal and then I eat whatever is near. Since I know this about myself I've decided to begin carrying trail mix or a protein bar w/me so if I'm out longer than expected I wont get frustrated and make bad choices. I dont' generally have a problem being out w/others and selecting healthier choices b/c I remind myself the reason for eating out is to enjoy the persons company and I can do that regardless of what I eat. I've gone out on many occassions and not eaten anything at that particular restaurant b/c I didn't like their choices but still wanted to socialize with friends. Just keep reminding yourself why you're working out and if you like how your body looks just think how far you can actually go if you continue on the right path. Hopefully you'll figure out what's best for you and continue down the right path.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    How about a little challenge for the summer? I threw this one out in another thread and thought I'd offer it up here.

    We all pledge to do 1 walk/run for charity over the summer. It might motivate us all just a little and get us to drag (encourage) friends, family and loved ones to get some exercise too and we will probably get a free tee shirt out of it to wear as a badge of honor.

    I'm off to get on the exercise bike for 30 minutes with my coffee in hand.

    Hope all are doing well today.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! I only have a few minutes b/c I'm in a training today and the trainer only gave us a 15 minute break. Today is week 1 day 4 of the P90X program. I'm suppose to complete Yoga X but I'm just not feeling yoga so I decided to make it a cardio day. I hit the gym this morning and completed another 30 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the elliptical. My legs are very sore from Tuesday's workout but I feel great after having completed the HIIT. I pushed myself a little bit more today. My recovery speed was 5.4 on Tuesday and it was 5.6-5.7 today and my sprinting speed was 7.5 on Tuesday and 7.7 today.

    Well training is about to begin shortly. I did not have a chance to read the posts so I hope to catch up a little later. Have a great day.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I did one of my Kettlenetics DVD's today (The one with the K-Bell). I am trying to flush out my system of all the extra sodium & other crap lingering around in there, so I am aiming for 12-16 cups of water today. Only 2 drank so far, so I better get drinking!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Choco- That's a good idea to have bring a little snack with you when you go out. I get the same way when I go too long between meals. I also notice that when I do eat after being really hungry I make poor meal choices. Then I usually have a snack while I am waiting for the meal to be ready cause I'm starving. I am going to try to concentrate on not waiting so long between meals & am going to bring a snack along with me when I go out. I think that will help a lot. Making healthier choices when out is also on my agenda. It should help that places are required to put up their nutrition info now.
    I was at Wendy's the other day (WITH BAD INFLUENCE BF OF COURSE LOL) but I didnt see the nutrition info til AFTER I ordered because they think they are slick! They have the poster with the nutrition info up so you cant see it til AFTER you order at the other side of the checkout! Next time I know and will walk over to the other side of the check out where I can see before ordering (hopefully I wont be back there for a LONG time tho). It's ridiculous how much fat & cals are in their food. I got a spicy chicken sandwich which was bad at like 420 cals...but my baby dad got a Triple Baconator...1300 CALORIES & 90, YES 90 GRAMS OF FAT!!! I couldnt believe that...I'm surprised he didnt keel over from a heart attack after that!!!!

    Ok I'm done babbeling lol, have a good one! :glasses: :flowerforyou:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Workout #2 done--20 Minute Sweat. My mom was working out, even tho I already did mine I decided to join her. I sure could use it!
  • cindyrey
    cindyrey Posts: 53
    hi all,
    well here comes the weekend which is usally bad with my husband wanting to eat out. I usally can choice something to eat that I won't feel so bad about eating out. BUT this weekend we are going to the big race in talladega, that means eating JUNK all day. I am starting to worry about all my hard work. what can I eat that won't do me in on the scale? Any ideas?
    have a good weekend everyone.