Fit & Fun Sized Group ~ April '10



  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I struggle with late afternoon snacks on days when I don't eat right or go too long in between meals. I haven't walked the dogs like I should either. I use to walk them every day.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope your Sunday is going well! I'm logging on late today b/c I went to the 10 am showing of Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married Too" and then headed to the mall to begin shopping for my L.A. trip w/my girlfriends. The movie was alright and the shopping did not go as well as I had hoped. I wasn't able to find any outfits that really helped me get my "sexy on" so it looks like I'll be doing some online shopping.

    Since today is my rest day I decided to complete 2 1/2 miles of walking w/the Leslie Sansone dvd.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Monday all! Today is week 6 day 1 of the Insanity program which means its Max Cardio Conditioning day. I really paced myself this morning and as a result I don't feel as beat and I didn't take AS MANY breaks. I'm still taking and NEEDING the breaks but its good to know that I can now do a few extra reps before its needed.

    I have to begin my work day so I have to get going but hope to check in on everyone later.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hello Ladies....Well I defiantly struggle with eating on the weekends--It's more like I completely BLOW IT!!

    Jam- I also snack when I go too long in between meals. I have been trying to not wait until I am starving to eat.

    It was a lazy weekend & I still didnt get a scale but I HAVE TO get one today. This is why I packed on all the pounds in the 1st place, no scale to keep me in check. When I dont have one to show me i'm gaining, I just eat whatever. That's how its been the past 3 or 4 days. I am scared I might have gained a pound! So no more procrastinating, to the store I go!! My bf (who was laid off since December) got his job back! He started today..I am so happy!
    I got my exercise in today...40 mins of 6 Round Slim Down. My goal for the week is to work out Monday-Friday. I used to do this every week, but lately I've been slacking. I'm posting it here so I am more likely to stick to it....instead of just mentally thinking it.
    Choco- I feel you, I am going to buy a 2 piece soon for some motivation! It's gotta look right by vacation in August!!

    Lol, Ok anyway have a good one...i'll check in later.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: My biggest challenge is changing my workouts and doing new stuff.......when in doubt, I just get on the exercise bike even though I have DVDs of yoga, pilates, and dance, and I have hand weights and resistance bands.

    I am very rigid about food and aim daily to walk 10,000 I'm very good at some things.:bigsmile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Today is week 6 day 2 of the Insanity program and I was suppose to complete Max Interval Circuit but I got a late start to my morning and knew I would be unable to complete a 55 minute workout and still get to work on time so I opted for the Plyometric Cardio Circuit dvd instead. So, 40 minutes later the workout is complete and I've made it to work on time.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hey ladies...I finally got my scale..Woot Woot!! I only had to go to 4 stores to find one...jeezzz. But it's pretty cool. It measures weight, body fat %, hydration levels & BMI.
    I weighed in at 142.0 lbs. and 36.6% body fat today.
    AAhhh, I knew it wasnt going to be good cause I have been snacking a lot. I am hoping some of that is water weight!!
    I did a workout called Jay's Bootcamp today, and boy did I really feel like I was in the military lol. They did their counts like 1,2,3 1 1,2,3 2 1,2,3 3.....It was hard but it was short, only 13 mins (i think it was just a preview). So I did a 10 min Cardio Blast too. Still a short workout all together, but I was winded after the Blast.
    Hope you all have a good one...
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone! I think my biggest struggle is the weekends. I have so many events/parties that I attend that it's really hard to keep track of calories - so I don't do it. I think what I need to do to combat that is making sure I workout on the weekends as well and maybe do additional cardio sessions during the week.

    Saturday - I did JMs NMTZ and then Sunday I went snowboarding. So, I got some weekend exercises in. Yesterday I took a rest day. I missed my 6am hot yoga class this AM so I need to do a workout DVD tonight. Might even do HIIT on the treadmill right after work and then pop in a JM DVD when I get home. That's the plan anyways.
  • cindyrey
    cindyrey Posts: 53
    Last week wasn't as bad as I thought it would be lost 2 pounds. This week will be harder, we have a new sugar bear baby and she needs alot of my time. So I hope I can still find the time to work out. I usually work out in the evenings around 7-8 anytime after that I don't have the energy to work out. At least the 2 pounds I did lose last week has me in the right direction to do more. I now have lost 18 pounds since feb 7th. wish me luck.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning and Happy Hump day! Today is week 6 day 3 of the Insanity program. I completed the Max Interval Plyo dvd and it was a killer. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to complete the entire 8/9 weeks b/c my right knee has been really bothering me during some of these moves. I've tried modifying and jumping rope when possible but today it just didn't help. I'm going to Dig Deeper and stick w/it for the remainder of the week and then really re-evaluate what's best for my body. Overall I really like the program and I love the idea of not having to think about my workouts b/c the wall calendar that's included pretty much spells it out so I'm not sure what I'll do if I don't finish it. I'm thinking about returning to P90X b/c the Plyometrics dvd there's not as much jumping. I still have a few days to think about it but I'll be sure to let you all know what I decide.

    If anyone has any suggestions regarding other workouts or programs that can continue to tone my body please feel free to share.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Workout for today is done...thank god!!
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    Last night I did JM's NMTZ and during lunch today it was beautiful out so I was able to do HIIT outside vs on the treadmill. So much more enjoyable outdoors and easier to do. I'm looking forward to more sunnier days so I can continue to run during my lunch break.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm not doing the"insanity" workout but today was its own kind of insanity. I went to my two hour line dance class, came home and walked the dogs and had my shake for lunch then went to meet a business client who needed some paperwork, then met my walking friend for a two hour walk, came home, changed my shoes and took the dogs to the dog park for an hour......I burned a ton of calories from walking and from the inevitable upper body workout of walking crazy dogs on leashes:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'll still end up on the exercise bike later and walking the dogs at least once more before bedtime. :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    JZ- I'm glad the new scale is being kind to you.

    Barbie-At least your crazy day is behind you and you can relax and cuddle with the dogs.

    Flipchick-I know what you mean about enjoying the outdoors during the work day.

    Choco- my only suggestion is to rent workout DVDs. Then you can keep changing your program. Do you have Netflix? They have some good ones.

    I did yoga on the Wii and I swam. I'm trying to decide if I should get on the exercise bike tonight. I should, but I think I will pass. My legs are sore.

    Have a great evening all,

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 6 day 4 of the Insanity program which means its a recovery day! I always look forward to Thursdays and my body is always thankful for the day of "rest". My knee was still bothering me this morning so thankfully the Cardio Recovery dvd does not incorporate a lot of jumping.

    Jam: I do have Netflix and that's a good idea. I may have to browse their selection to see if anything catches my attention. The only problem is that I can only order one movie at a time.

    Barbie: Way to walk it out. You are one very busy lady.

    Flipchick: I see you're rocking it out too. Great job w/the hiit.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member

    I was so, so bad last night. Usually whether I am over or under my calories my eating has been mindful. I knew what I was eating, how many calories involved and what the impact would be to my diet.

    Last night I ate mindlessly and it cost me 450 calories and put me way over for the evening. My teenage son had left a bag of cookies out and as I was cleaning up his mess I had a few. They were small cookies and looked quite innocent UNTIL I FLIPPED THE BAG OVER TO ENTER THEM INTO MFP. (caps to add drama lol) Those little ________ things cost me 450 calories! I know these things happen, but it sure did drive the point home again.

    I hope this is the last mindless eating incident I will have for this year.

    Have a great day all,

  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Jam- I know what you mean. Sometimes you have a snack and think "This won't be so bad", then you look at the info and your face look like this..:noway: :noway: :angry: :grumble: lol

    Choco- I dont know if they have it in GA but here we have "On Demand" with your cable (where you can watch shows and movies 24/7). They have a Sports & Fitness section, then click Exercise TV for all free workouts. If you don't have that you can go to WWW.EXERCISETV.TV. They have some free workouts on there. They also have some you can pay for and download. I think they are pretty cheap. They advertise as low as $1.99 per workout. I have never actually used it so I'm not positive.

    Cindyrey- Congrats! 2 lbs. in a week is great!!!

    I got my workout in for today. I drank 12 glasses water yesterday and concentrating on getting at least 10 today. I'm attemping to get as much water weight off as possible!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Jzbaby: When I had Comcast I had the On Demand feature but Direct Tv doesn't offer it. Thank for giving me the information regarding the website when I get my computer at home up and running perhaps I'll check it out.

    Great job w/getting the workout in.
  • flipchickmc
    flipchickmc Posts: 59 Member
    barbie - lots of walking! Good job.
    choco - how are you liking the Insanity program? my sister purchased all the dvd's but never started the program
    jam - i know what you mean about mindless snacking - i'm the same way with chocolate!
    jzbaby - way to go on the workout and water intake. I need to up my water intake as well. Yesterday I had about 12 glasses and want to continue with that trend.

    Got up and made it to my 6am hot yoga class this AM. Hopefully the clouds will burn off and I'll be able to run during my lunch break. We have a sales dinner tonight at a really nice restaurant. I know I'll most likely be over my calories for today so I'm really going to force myself to do well on my run and push myself.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    choco - how are you liking the Insanity program? my sister purchased all the dvd's but never started the program

    The Insanity program is truly INSANE but it's a great overall body workout. I mean it truly works every aspect of your body but b/c there's so much jumping it can be painful on my knee. I have arthritis in my right knee and lower left part of my back so when that flares up completing the routine can be challenging. They don't really have a lot of ways to modify the workout so when a exercise/movement is too painful I just skip rope instead. I would recommend it for anyone who's in fairly decent shape and determined to push their body to the limit.