

  • didnt know they had any out lol
  • good luck u can do it u will be so proud when u do
  • I am also breastfeeding. When u are only giving the baby breast milk they say 500 more cal when u start giving baby food and breast milk 300 cal but i have no idea how to set it on settings lol
  • I bet that works! Because whenever I say I'm going off my diet, I feel fine. Could careless to eat. I actually gain weight cause everyday I'm going to start a diet so I eat everything in site. I will try this. Thanks
  • o.k. cause they got me at 1200 i was thinking just a couple 100 more not the 3 to 5 hundred just a little more i'm hungry LOL I have actually gained weight since i had her Tomorrow was going to combine this web site with weight watchers. WW has to many carbs though. I want this weight off before shes a year old. She turns…
  • Well I don't want to gain weight. I always gain weight when I breastfeed. I was told if I don't have enough calories I will not make enough milk, that's my only worry!
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