ollilaa Member


  • Some good thoughts here. I appreciate the input. Thanks again for taking the time out to offer your suggestions.
  • My ob/gyn is working with me on weight loss and energy. Since all bloodwork and tests are fine, she is thinking that I am not consuming enough calories early in day and wants me to try more calories in the morning and gradually decrease each meal by night. I am a creature of habit though and have for many years have eaten…
  • WOW....I can see myself in almost every single post. So stressed at times it's hard; mentally trying to change myself; having the little voices tell me I'm a failure. Thank you all so much for the encouragement. For me, I have other friends trying to lose 100+ pounds like me, but their first week or so they lose quite a…
  • I'm going to try increasing my fat and being ok with it. My doctor still wants me eating fruit for some reason. (It's only certain fruits though: berries, apples, citrus, some melons are ok. This is a trial for 3 months to see if they can figure out why I am not losing. She also only wants me to be walking for 60 min. with…
  • Thanks!! Definitely helps on this journey to know there are others "just like me!". (Also, keeps me off facebook.....)