falling off the path

ollilaa Posts: 16 Member
How many times did you take several steps backwards before really moving forward? I was doing really well for 3 weeks and then lost my motivation suddenly (not sure why) and am having a hard to moving forward again. I will, I know I will. I guess I just want to know that I am not the only one who has done this.


  • Oh so many times. :) You are not alone. This takes practice, just keep getting right back on the horse, don't get down on yourself, take action and make a plan for tomorrow. You can do it, don't give up. :)
  • Zenzen2000
    Zenzen2000 Posts: 17
    The writer of the previous post, you are absolutely right. It's all about getting back up again and not going down for count.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Honestly, in the past it happened more times than I could count; however, since joining in Dec. of last year, it has not happened (not even once), and I don't anticipate falling off the wagon.

    Right before joining MFP, I decided I was changing my life for the rest of my life. I decided I wanted to be healthy and fit forever. I try to eat to live most of the time instead of living to eat. I exercise 5 days a week because I want a firm and shapely body. I'm not doing this to just lose some weight, my goals are much bigger. I've loss weight before, but I never focused on overall health, which is probably why I gained the weight back. This time around, I realized I must be mindful of what I eat for the rest of my life. I understand that I will always have to exercise. I know that I will forever have to log what I eat and drink, and guess what? I'm okay with that.

    So, I guess the reason I haven't fallen off this time is because I don't consider this a diet or a punishment. I simply call this living.
  • RRB2000
    RRB2000 Posts: 77 Member
    I have "fallen off" so many times. I get so mad at myself but yet, I continue to slack off, and eventually start back with the same eating habits as before. 2012 I lost 30 lbs, looked and felt great, my goal was to lose 40 lbs. Was almost there. Got comfortable, stopped counting my calories, started eating poorly again and stopped exercising. Gained it all back and then some by the end of 2013. Started fresh in January of 2014. Lost 25 lbs by March....felt great.....went on vacation for a week, came back with less motivation and made every excuse in the book as to why I wasn't exercising (too hot, will do it tomorrow, well, I'll start back on Monday) and here I am again today, July 20th a few pounds UP and no energy and clothes fitting tight again. As of TODAY I am back and will do what I need to do to get to where I want to be. I don't think I've ever actually REACHED my GOAL weight, and I know I will have a bad day, but I have to get my mind set to where I know that 1 bad day doesn't need to ruin my week. Get your mind right, and tell yourself you CAN do it and you are WORTH it. You will feel so much better......we can do this!!!
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    You are NOT the only one out there that has experienced this. I started my journey October 2012. I went hard for about 10 months then hit a brick wall. Both health wise and just plain gave up. So from October 13 to April 14 I had gained 35 pounds back of the 83 pounds I had lost! I was so mad at myself and disappointed in myself. Not to say that on top of all that I had been diagnosed with Celiac (major gluten intolerance) Adding yet another auto immune disorder to my list. So I decided 4/2/14 I was going to get back on track and nothing was going to stop me. Happy to say I have lost 22 pounds of the 35 I gained and I am working at it really hard and know that I will hit some bumps in the road, we all do, but I am not going to give up until I reach my goal this time. You will too. We are all human and have had a rough time with our weight issues and it is hard to keep focus sometimes. Food manufacturers have processed the heck out of foods and have included so many additives that they have created a sick US society and it is just getting worse. Causeing our food addictions and making us a fat America. We need to stand strong to our new lives and eating habits and eat fresh unprocessed foods and get a bit of exercise in now and then. But it is finally all up to us as individuals and to make good food choices, because they are out there too. Good luck. sorry I went on a rant there for a moment, but I have learned so much about food since I was diagnosed that sometimes it make me mad knowing what I know now and wish I knew years ago.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Honestly, in the past it happened more times than I could count; however, since joining in Dec. of last year, it has not happened (not even once), and I don't anticipate falling off the wagon.

    Right before joining MFP, I decided I was changing my life for the rest of my life. I decided I wanted to be healthy and fit forever. I try to eat to live most of the time instead of living to eat. I exercise 5 days a week because I want a firm and shapely body. I'm not doing this to just lose some weight, my goals are much bigger. I've loss weight before, but I never focused on overall health, which is probably why I gained the weight back. This time around, I realized I must be mindful of what I eat for the rest of my life. I understand that I will always have to exercise. I know that I will forever have to log what I eat and drink, and guess what? I'm okay with that.

    So, I guess the reason I haven't fallen off this time is because I don't consider this a diet or a punishment. I simply call this living.

    This. Completely. I can't do this if I think of it as a "diet", which is why I hate that word.
  • jennykcmo
    jennykcmo Posts: 101 Member
    I am going through the same thing right now. There is nothing more discouraging than gaining back weight you have lost, and having to gather up all the energy it takes to change your habits all over again. But the one thing that gives me confidence is that I HAVE done this before, and that if I am dedicated for a month, I actually can lose the 10 lbs that I just gained back... (on my way to lose 100+) it's really just a matter of time... the hardest thing is mentally believing in myself to succeed when there is a small voice saying - but usually you just fail...
  • jbrownnolan
    jbrownnolan Posts: 72 Member
    Seems like a thousand times some days. I've been watching my weight, what I eat, and how I exercise going on 9 years now, going from +200 (to this day don't know exactly how high my weight got to, I wouldn't let the Dr. tell me) down to 132 in the matter of 7 months to maintaining that for the past 8 years (right now I'm in the 120's) . I've fallen off, gained back 15 lbs, fallen off, gained back 5, fallen off gained back 10, a couple of times over the past 8 years, but I've always hopped back on, gotten back on track before I let it go too far. I've gone weeks even months of struggles, to pull myself back, but I work hard for myself, for my family, and to live a long and active life.

    It is hard as hell, and yes, I have out right given up, had a pitty party for myself :sad: , but then got right back onto that fallen path. It's okay, we are all human, take a deep breath, dust yourself, and get right back to it :flowerforyou:
  • boricua3177
    boricua3177 Posts: 192 Member
    Ugh, this past week I have not done so well. I have fallen & come back since like 2009. This time I am really committing myself to get back to my goals.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Many many many times. I just had my latest slip up last weekend. The only way to move forward is to just start anew. I'd rather get back on track now than waiting until I gain 50 lbs, you know? Best of luck.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Yes, for me too it's always 2 steps forward and 1 step back. But hang in there.... you'll eventually get where you need to go, albeit slowly.:smile:
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I would start a diet every Monday. I would fall off the wagon and start again Monday. Since I found mfp 74 days ago I have been able to keep up the motivation because I see results and seeing results keep up the motivation.
    Good luck to you☆
  • Sixsal
    Sixsal Posts: 5
    It is always something that is there. There is no perfection, only perfectibility. For me falling off the path was starting to eat clean and it took me like a month not to feel urges any more. You will have all these hurdles come up that you have to know up front will be coming and have to adapt. The thing that didn't make me fall off path was the fact is that your body gets used to workouts and you have to mix it up. It annoys me more than anything.
  • Shalaurise
    Shalaurise Posts: 707 Member
    I fall off the path all the time... well the one I walk on. It is all nature like and the ground is uneven and I step on rocks (oww).

    All joking aside. Everyone has their bad days or weeks or months or however long it lasts for each person. The important part is to climb back on and keep going.

    I got a fit-bit and have joined challenges. This is working for me (mostly) because I am a sore looser. :P So if my challenge for the day is to get in two miles, then I am going to go three. If someone passes me by 1000 steps, then I am going to get 2000. Everyone has to find their own motivation. So far... all I have is proving I can do it. I can rise to the challenge. I question why I bother every day. Why did I make this choice. Why am I so committed. I have never stuck to anything like this before. I don't really have a good answer, but I am going to do it. I am going to see this through. Maybe not to my "goal" weight. Maybe only until I am willing to get in the pool with my kids or until I can laugh really hard without spending the next 30 minutes trying to breath normal again. How far I go is yet to be determined, but I will do this.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I thin what helped me was when I Stopped thinking about it a path with a goal and thought if it more as ajourney and a life style. There are times I eat too much, or the wrong things or I somehow forget what exercise is. But everyday is a new day and chance to begin anew.

    The past is history. Embrace today :)
  • trmatthewsphatgirl
    trmatthewsphatgirl Posts: 21 Member
    I have just falling off almost a month ago... I am trying to get back on track but I have been so stressed out lately
  • ollilaa
    ollilaa Posts: 16 Member
    WOW....I can see myself in almost every single post. So stressed at times it's hard; mentally trying to change myself; having the little voices tell me I'm a failure. Thank you all so much for the encouragement. For me, I have other friends trying to lose 100+ pounds like me, but their first week or so they lose quite a bit and I'm over here on week 3 and 4 still with no movement. It's just frustrating. I have been told recently that I am the type that needs consistency for about 3 months and then it will just click. UGH...that's such a long time to see results. I will keep pushing on though. :) Thank you all again!
  • 4mricandy
    4mricandy Posts: 159 Member
    Words from my father..."You cannot get back up unless you have taken a fall!"
    Life goes on. You'll fall again, no doubt about it. Just make sure that every fall is followed by a "getting back up!"
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    Honestly, in the past it happened more times than I could count; however, since joining in Dec. of last year, it has not happened (not even once), and I don't anticipate falling off the wagon.

    Right before joining MFP, I decided I was changing my life for the rest of my life. I decided I wanted to be healthy and fit forever. I try to eat to live most of the time instead of living to eat. I exercise 5 days a week because I want a firm and shapely body. I'm not doing this to just lose some weight, my goals are much bigger. I've loss weight before, but I never focused on overall health, which is probably why I gained the weight back. This time around, I realized I must be mindful of what I eat for the rest of my life. I understand that I will always have to exercise. I know that I will forever have to log what I eat and drink, and guess what? I'm okay with that.

    So, I guess the reason I haven't fallen off this time is because I don't consider this a diet or a punishment. I simply call this living.

    Well said.
  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    WOW....I can see myself in almost every single post. So stressed at times it's hard; mentally trying to change myself; having the little voices tell me I'm a failure. Thank you all so much for the encouragement. For me, I have other friends trying to lose 100+ pounds like me, but their first week or so they lose quite a bit and I'm over here on week 3 and 4 still with no movement. It's just frustrating. I have been told recently that I am the type that needs consistency for about 3 months and then it will just click. UGH...that's such a long time to see results. I will keep pushing on though. :) Thank you all again!

    I do better with the 'one day at a time' idea. I'm actually keeping food in the house now, real food. Stress really clicks my buttons, and I guess I will forever be learning how to deal with it. I eat better without stress, so I guess i have to take a close look at things I do and how I do them that add to my stress load.
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