

  • I guess I'm just curious. I DID just eat more than I needed, until I was stuffed, and I felt out of control. It just happened to stay under my weekly goal. I'm upset because I know I could've had a lot of delicious, healthy, filling food. I didn't need to stuff myself full of crap in a half hour window.
  • Thank you everyone for all of your excellent advice! I've got a lot of new information now, and an overall better understanding of the process. Wish me luck!
  • But, how do I know if the scale is creeping up due to fat or muscle? That's my issue.
  • Well, the issue is I don't know if I'm eating at a surplus or not, especially if any weight I put on may or may not be newbie gains. I'll look to seeing if my weight remains the same though, for the most part. How many pounds can newbie gains be?
  • Bump, I'd like to hear people's responses.
  • What time of day are you most likely to binge? If it's evening, which is most common, you're like me. That's not to say that I don't have days where I wake up with binge urges - although usually that's because I over-restricted the day before - but the worst time of day is the evening. The only thing I've found that works…
  • This has always been a huge problem for me. The only true solution I've found, although I'm sure other methods work for other people, is saving calories for the evening. I'm busier during the day, so I eat a light breakfast, a light lunch, and maybe one snack. I have an average size dinner between 6:00 and 8:00, and then…
  • I have stifling late-night food cravings. Honestly, the only thing that's worked for me in saving around 800 calories for late-night snacks, and then planning what snacks I'm going to eat. I eat lightly during the day, so I can snack in the evening. It probably isn't the healthiest lifestyle choice, but currently, it's…
  • Absolutely. I think that once I chose to focus on my fitness and nutrition, I became a much greater critic of my body. Flaws that I may not have noticed in the past are beyond obvious now. I think it comes with the territory of committing to getting in shape. I just remind myself that even if I don't feel my best, I'm…
  • I have a similar issue. Well, I don't think it's technically an issue. My body doesn't do well with unhealthy or greasy food anymore, I don't enjoy it as much as I used to. While this is technically a good thing, I still have insufferable cravings for bad food, and often I indulge, despite the fact that my body is clearly…
  • My biggest warning to you as you start this healthy journey, is to stay aware of your anxiety level. It's very easy to become over-obsesed with counting calories and getting fit, but extreme obsession opens the door to disordered eating. I struggle with binge-eating and restricting on occasion, feel free to add me!…
  • I had the WORST foot cramps when I first started ballet. Pointing and flexing my feet at the barre caused horrible cramping. Eventually, though, I think the pointing and flexing made my feet less likely to cramp. Just a thought.
  • Thanks everyone. I've decided to stop making myself miserable, and eat more good food, while staying active and lifting three times a week.
  • Thanks for the responses! If I'm 5'1" and 105 lbs., is it likely that I'm skinny fat and need to maintain and lift heavy? Or is it possible that I need to lose more weight?
  • Thanks for the response, you look fantastic!
  • Thanks everyone! I guess my biggest problem right now, is that I can't tell if I have weight to lose, or if I just have some serious toning to do.
  • Fantastic thread. I can'r wait to seriously get into lifting.
  • Hi everyone. Today I'm proud of myself for being on my fourth day of no bingeing. I do hope I can make it through tonight though, the binge cravings hit me hard about 15 minutes ago.
  • Thank you. Is body composition supposed to help the fat around my face? I know lifting weights can do wonders, but I question whether or not it can get rid of chubby cheeks and a double chin. I've tried lifting, doing research online beforehand, but I never feel like I'm doing it right. I wish I could get a professional to…
    in Feeling Low Comment by Eve_e March 2014
  • Thank you everyone, I appreciate the input. I know a lot of my problem is body composition, but I could use a few less pounds of fat, even though I recognize they're vanity pounds.
    in Feeling Low Comment by Eve_e March 2014
  • I'm not 100 lbs. anymore, 106 lbs. now, although 100 lbs. is not unhealthy for a girl my height. Thank you very much for your advice, though.
    in Feeling Low Comment by Eve_e March 2014
  • Any advice...Anything...I had another binge today.
    in Feeling Low Comment by Eve_e March 2014
  • I do exercise.
    in Feeling Low Comment by Eve_e March 2014
  • Thank you. I'm trying to make it stop, I am, but sometimes it feels beyond my control. I know that literally, physically, it IS in my control. But mentally, sometimes it's just not.
  • Your response was eye-opening to me. My way of thinking went like this: It's only okay for me to screw up, if I manage to keep my weekly net calories in line. That's why I'd restrict after bingeing - because I needed to stay under my weekly calories. But you're right. There's no point in trying to do this if I haven't even…
  • Me too. But actually, after doing this one too many times, I'm now repulsed by peanut butter. Even the smell makes me feel sick.
  • Flaming Hot Cheetos. I could EASILY mindlessly consume an entire, large bag in one sitting.
  • Sorry, everyone's been so helpful, but I'm still a bit confused. If I still have body fat to lose, a small amount, but still body fat, should I keep eating at a deficit? I don't want to lose muscle, but I don't want to ignore those last few pounds.
  • I'll be saving my calories for a whole lot of Smirnoff tonight. Cheers(:
  • Also thank you so much to everyone! You're all so helpful and kind(: