

  • tell anyone who is not supporting you to bug off!!! and then once you've reached your goal you can rub it in their faces! ;) Just don't REALLY starve yourself because then you will actually gain weight... keep a good line up of low cal and healthy snacks for when you are hungry! Good Luck!!! Oh and I am a little older than…
  • If you want a reason to not pick up McDonalds you should watch one of those movies.... Fast Food Nation, Food Inc., etc.... In terms of motivation we are all here for you! We all want the same thing!! To be healthy and happy and sexy!!!! :) I find motivation in seeing the changes my body goes through... its awesome!! So…
  • what a good question!! I would say that if you Google this question you will find a ton of great information on how GREAT stretching is for your body!!! Good Luck!!
  • I wouldn't reduce calories to any lower than 1200 per day. If your not seeing results make sure you keep a close eye on your fat intake... that matters too! A fun thing that I like to do is give myself one day a week to eat whatever I want!! It jolts your metabolism because your body gets used to eating your usual number…
  • I agree... yoga is great! and very relaxing...
  • I would say the easiest way to cut down a lot of sodium would be to stay away from eating out and eating prepared frozen food! They jam pack those things with salt to make them taste good! Which they do! But sodium with make your body retain water and keep you bloated. In the long term it causes heart problems and blood…
  • YES it should!! You can do it! Good luck!!
    in 500+ Comment by stoddartsl January 2011
  • Just remember to record EVERYTHING!!! And give yourself a days break every once in a while to jolt your metabolism! On that day I enjoy eating all of the things I don't allow myself the rest of the week! Then, in fact, I actually weigh less the next day!! But for the other days just have a good line up of healthy snacks…