A little non-scale improvement that makes me happy nonethele

So I haven't really lost anything on the scale which is really irritating BUT on the bright side...

I can work hard enough to burn 400 calories in 30 minutes. When I first started going to the gym 2 weeks ago I could only do 235 (I remember the number, weird uh?) and felt SO tired.

I did a bootcamp class a week or two ago and my muscles were so sore it hurt to climb stairs FOR TWO DAYS. But I did it this weekend and my shoulders were a little sore from lifting weights but only for one day AND MY LEGS WERE PERFECTLY FINE.

I want to go to the gym. I couldn't go yesterday and I didn't like it. It makes me feel good. I feel so much better about life. I'm sure the change took place on a hormonal level, but there is also this feeling that I am doing something about my current life situation, something concrete, and that is fantabulous.

I think I lost an inch or maybe a half inch off my waist. I can't really remember if I was sucking it in before (probably was lol).

My arms are a teensy bit toned. My legs are a teensy biy toned. I'm starting to see abs :D.

wow, this makes me feel so motivated. It's like making a list of things you're grateful for. Sounds cheesy but work so very well. So what about you?

Also, perhaps this isn't the place to ask but I think I should reduce my calories as I am not losing on the scale. Bad idea?


  • dekarlo08
    dekarlo08 Posts: 102
    My big happy day was when I put my favorite socks on and they didn't cut off the circulation in my ankles. lol.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Woo Hoo... Keep up the great job! That is what motivates me too, the tightness in my abs, shoulders, and chest (That's why I love the 100 push-up, 200 crunch challenges I"m working now). When I am just going about my daily routine and can feel how tight my body is, it makes me feel better about myself... actually, kinda feels sexy...LOL
  • Woo Hoo... Keep up the great job! That is what motivates me too, the tightness in my abs, shoulders, and chest (That's why I love the 100 push-up, 200 crunch challenges I"m working now). When I am just going about my daily routine and can feel how tight my body is, it makes me feel better about myself... actually, kinda feels sexy...LOL

    This probably sounds so strange and I probably shouldn't admit to it on a public message board....but strength straining makes me feel so sexy. Like trying on a really hot dress.
  • stoddartsl
    I wouldn't reduce calories to any lower than 1200 per day. If your not seeing results make sure you keep a close eye on your fat intake... that matters too! A fun thing that I like to do is give myself one day a week to eat whatever I want!! It jolts your metabolism because your body gets used to eating your usual number of calories! I see that every week I do it the next morning I weight less!! And then since I keep up on my healthy eating and exercising the rest of the week the weight doesn't come back! It also helps with cravings and giving in because I know I can have whatever I want on my "cheat day!" I also try to switch up which day of the week I do this in order to always keep my body guessing. The body is a crazy thing and can adapt to a routine very easily so it makes it harder to lose weight! Switching up you exercise routine will also keep your body guessing and help you drop the pounds!!
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Just keep on doing what you are doing ---- I'd leave your calories alone. The more you continue working out and getting healthy, it will come off gradually, you are not "big" so it will probably take more for you to lose 10 pounds, where those of us that have a bunch to lose, the first 10 comes off easy.
  • stoddarts - I will try that. My fat intake is usually pretty low just the last couple of day....whoops. I may do the one cheat day thing - I just feel like I will really over do it and undo all of my hard work!!!
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    Woo Hoo... Keep up the great job! That is what motivates me too, the tightness in my abs, shoulders, and chest (That's why I love the 100 push-up, 200 crunch challenges I"m working now). When I am just going about my daily routine and can feel how tight my body is, it makes me feel better about myself... actually, kinda feels sexy...LOL

    This probably sounds so strange and I probably shouldn't admit to it on a public message board....but strength straining makes me feel so sexy. Like trying on a really hot dress.

    Me too... I have always lacked self confidence, but when I was on this journey 4 years ago, I was tight, six pack abs, strong shoulders, back, arms, legs... For the first time in my life I LOVED how I looked...why I allowed my stress at home take over and I lost all motivation is beyond me. Going through divorce now and want to find that motivation again. I've rejoined curves, but still finding it hard to make it up there... But I will do it! I will get back to where I was 4 years ago... I make that promise to myself...babysteps will get me there!
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