
bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
Any suggestions on improving flexibility..... I'm really stiff and this is something non scale related I'm striving to improve on. Any advice is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.


  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    Regular stretching. I know, it sounds simplistic or obvious, but honestly the only way to improve flexibility is to stretch. Try incorporating yoga into your weekly exercise routines.
  • Tipring
    Tipring Posts: 21 Member
    stretches, then just stretch a little farther every day.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Yoga. It's done wonders for my flexibility.
  • stoddartsl
    I agree... yoga is great! and very relaxing...
  • Octomonkey
    Octomonkey Posts: 72 Member
    As the others have said, yoga! Definately try this! I started again yesterday and already feel tonnes more flexible and it's just generally uplifting :)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Pilates. I did them for about 6 mos. in addition to my cardio wkout and I also use a stability ball. You will feel amazing from both! I highly recommend.
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    Tony Little has a stretch/flexability video on his website...and yoga would help also :wink:
  • cracky
    cracky Posts: 15
    You're not the only one! The only way to get more flexible is to stretch - often.
    Try stretching every morning or before bed - definately after excersize... but don't stretch till it hurts - just till you can feel it. Then you improve a little bit each time..
  • Vicki_78
    Vicki_78 Posts: 81 Member
    YOGA!!! :)
    there are some simple moves that really will help. if you are unsure what to do you can find lots of books or websites that will help - shape & women's health magazine are good. or you can use the wii fit - great yoga program
    good luck :)
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Thank you everyone for your suggestions..... you guys rock!