dgreenburg Member


  • I also have a family of four and we eat a lot of homemade chilli,which is great for weightloss, split pea soup, turkey burgers, sandwiches, and all burger's and sandwiches ituen mine into spinach salad to cut back on carbs. Eggs with veggies scrambled in. Boneless skinless chicken breasted. I find the best deals at costco
  • My advice to you is to keep breasted feeding! When you breasted feed you are using up to 500 calories a.day! Get plenty of rest and keep hydrated. There is no.reason you cant workoit as hard as you want too. I breast fed both of my kiddos and put them in a double jog stroller and trained for a.1/2 marathon. I was thinner…
  • I think the trick for you is to STOP dieting and STOP telling yourself that you CANT have something because the minute you do that your going to obsessed about that thing you said you cant have. What has helped me most in the last couple weeks is simply logging. No matter what you eat just log it. You will naturally make…