

  • But really, if you want to wear a bra, just wear it. We're only on earth for so long, and the last couple decades take a toll on breast appearance anyways. At home I typically don't wear one, when I'm out and about I do.
  • It's easy to avoid working out while on your period, but it's actually great for alleviating cramps. Yoga and Pilates are my go to on period days, and even circuit training on lighter days.
  • I haven't made this yet, but it's on my list of things to definitely do:
  • As a short gal (5'2"), MFPs calorie burns are nearly always higher than what I'd realistically burn. I second the suggestion to get a good HRM monitor.
  • /LAUGH Due to Vanity Sizing, I have no idea. A pair of pants I'm just now fitting into are a size 11 (TRIPP NYC), while I wear a size 6 in one pair of Apt. 9 Modern Fit Skinny Jeans, and a size 4 in another pair of Apt. 9 Modern Fit Skinny Jeans. So I guess my range is sizes 4-11 :tongue: (I'm 5'2 and 130lbs)
  • 3 weeks is not a long enough time to predict how your body is handling the new exercise adjustments. Additionally, your body will retain fluid while repairing muscles (especially ones that haven't been used extensively in a long while), which will lead to a bit of weight gain. Be consistent and relentless for the next…
  • I pretty much ignore low-fat and fat-free options. While it's important to not consume too much fat, it's far more demonized than it should be. Fat is crucial to healthy body function.
  • Also make sure you're actually burning the amount you think you are. If you already use a HRM then great, but if you're just using MFPs calculations, you're probably burning less calories than what you think (and therefore won't need to eat as much back).
  • If you can find out your body fat percentage, that will be far more telling than just your scale weight. I'd gladly remain the same weight if I were to gain muscle while losing fat. Body composition counts for a lot when it comes to health, imo.
  • Any guys I have worked out with or near have either A. Not commented, or B. Thought it was great I wasn't just doing cardio and would readily be there for me if I needed help for spotting or if I wasn't familiar with something. Diversity is a good thing. And I agree that you should probably (definitely) increase weight if…
  • I can't say about "best", as that's relative to what your goals and preferences are, but I personally find myself most happy with Plant Fusion. It is Lactose, Cholesterol, Dairy, Soy, and Gluten Free, with 21g of protein per scoop. Very finely milled, and there's an unflavored powder that would mix well into a variety of…
  • It's getting your mind to wrap around what you're eating. Try calorie dense foods like nuts, avocados, cheese, dairy, etc. Your mind will be able to wrap around the smaller portion sizes (rather than trying to eat bales of kale with little calorie benefit), and you will get higher calories through eating them. Increase…
  • You seem to already pre-prepare a bit of food, but I'd take that to the next level and try to prepare most of your meals for the week in one day, at least for both lunch and dinner. Batch cooking has been excellent for me and it saves you money otherwise spent on snacks when you're too tired or out of time to cook…
  • my waist is at 29.5 inches, and my goal is roughly 25 inches. My rough overall goal body measurements are 34-25-36. It's realistic to my current body shape, and as long as I keep with my training, i shouldn't have a problem attaining it :)
  • Saltatio Mortis - " Früher war alles besser"
  • Reduce body fat, build muscle. Strength training with either body weight or added weight is also what will slim and firm up your thighs. And use measurements to guide your progress, not weight. Your mind might still be stuck on you "before" and not "during" your weight loss. Pictures are also great reference. edit: I've…
  • I also suggest Nerd Fitness! Pilates is also a good way to use body weight resistance.
  • (more a monthly list than weekly) Persimmons Pears Apples (Gala and Granny Smith) Tomatoes Strawberries Grapes Bananas Cucumber Broccoli Carrots Corn Kale Lettuce Spinach Onion Green Onion Mushrooms Celery Various Squash Dry Beans (Chickpeas, Red Kidney, Black, White, etc) Chia Seeds Unsalted Cashews Quinoa Almond Milk…
  • When ever I feel fatigued and still want to workout, I usually do pilates. With pilates you can do as much or as little as you want or feel up to. Still not any easy workout, but it's low impact and the stretching is excellent for cramps, too! edit: search blogilates on youtube if you need examples/are not familiar with…
  • I generally just pick simple dishes without tons of frills, get a tasty (calorie laden) dish and only eat half, or accept that it's a splurge meal :laugh: but this also depends on how often you eat out and what you eat at home. it's no problem for me to splurge a meal out, as I rarely go out to dinner (think maybe once…
  • My beauty routine has seriously changed as my diet and physical activity changed. Eating healthy and keeping active has cleared all of my acne problems except for those caused by monthly hormone fluctuations. So on a regular basis I rinse my face with water twice a day (morning/before bed) to rinse off oil(I have oily…
  • I'm 5'2", and while I have no solid goal weight (I go by body fat), by goal body fat would put me roughly around 115-120lbs. After that, I'll probably continue to drop my body fat and hopefully gain some muscle (so not much weight change).
  • Female Age: 19 Height: 5'2" SW: 157 CW: 133 GW: 118 or 23% BF
  • I still live with family and I manage just fine by cooking my own food, or offering to cook for the household so that I may control what goes into each dish. By doing that I've still lost a good deal of weight/Body Fat without hurting too many feelings, I've become a much better cook, and I'm getting my family to eat…
  • Depends on your body composition. I'm 5'2" and currently 134lbs, which is within a "healthy" range, but my body fat is high at 32-33%. I don't care what my end weight is, but my goal is to lower it down to 23%. It all depends on your PERSONAL goals.
  • Definitely not a significant other, but I love the rare times where I'm able to train with my brother. We're 3000 miles apart normally, but he's my fitness inspiration so working out with him always keeps me on top of my game. Since we never get to see each other, I keep him as my mental competition when working out. Like,…
  • I'd definitely pay attention to how the jeans fit. While I can still wear my 'starter' jeans after losing 18lbs, I can also comfortably wear my 'Goal 1' jeans that I couldn't even attempt to button when I first started. This is also why I pay more attention to measurements than weight. Even though I gained 2lbs (I…
  • simple answer: yes. you're giving your body nothing to run on if you just burn everything off.
  • Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix's cover of 'Radioactive' by Imagine Dragons