

  • I've just finished my fourth day of the 30 Day Shred and I am loving it :) ! I am definitely starting to notice small differences in myself from when I started, which sounds crazy because it hasn't been long at all! Although most people can't stand her as a person, I think her workouts are great... And you can watch them…
  • None that I can afford unfortunately. I've been looking for exercises which rely on using your own bodyweight, but as I said I don't really know how to plan a routine... I will have access to a gym when I go home for the summer, but I'm not sure when that will be yet
  • I've just done Day 3 of Level One today :) feeling good about myself and already noticing a little bit of different in my arms :D
  • Yes, I was eating around 900 calories per day... Though this has changed in the last few days as I have been testing the tips I have received on boards such as this
  • I've just had to stop waiting for my body to tell me that it's hungry, I've made a list of healthy yet high-calorie snacks which I either prepare ahead of time or have ready to grab whenever I want them, Make a point of eating them regularly so that your body won't feel stuffed in one sitting... I'm not sure whether you…
  • Hi Jess, I'm a relatively new member of this site and am looking for some sort of support system also. I'm actually in university at the moment so working at eating clean on a very low budget, but I'm determined. I noticed that you are looking for early 20s though, I'm actually 19. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd…
  • Thanks for all the help guys! Asides from the banana oatmeal cookies, I've started melting peanut butter and having a fruit fondue with it... YUM. Also, thanks to your help I have realised that my diet has been lacking calcium so bring on the milk and cheese :)
  • Just thought I'd let you in on this great recipe; It's a two-ingredient breakfast cookie recipe - I think it's awesome and have been nibbling on them all day long. All you need is 80g or one cup of oats and two large bananas. Mash the bananas into the oats until they all stick together and just place them onto a baking…
  • Hi all :) I'm Lauren! I've actually done the 30 Day Shred before and really enjoyed it - and I'm surprisingly looking forward to doing it again. I'm living away from home so I don't have any of my weights - is anybody else going to be doing this challenge minus the weights?
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