
  • sinrh
    sinrh Posts: 11 Member
    About to start level 3. I've been rotating levels 1&2 with some of her other DVDs. I did the 30ds last year by itself and got bored around the time level 3 came around. mixing it in with other workouts has definitely helped me stick with it.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    After an unplanned three rest days, I got back in the saddle today and did Level 1 Day 5. I've decided to modify my plan a bit and do 5 weekdays with weekends for my rest days. I must have really weak arms or something, push-ups are still the toughest for me. Always have to revert to doing them like Anita after only managing a couple regular. Ah well, eventually I'll kick butt at those. Speaking of butt, for some reason mine is the sorest part of my body after today's workout. haha Must've really worked those glutes eh? Keep it up everybody, you're all amazing! :)
  • deliacm
    deliacm Posts: 66 Member
    So encouraged by all your determination. I ordered my copy of 30DS last night, should be here Friday. Plan to start Day 1 next Monday!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    just finished level 2 last night! Terrified of what she is going to make me do in level 3. haha
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    I have been MIA recently but last night was Day 5 of Level 2, Day 15/30. I actually skipped 2 days -- Saturday and Monday -- but backed my end date up by 1 to account for Saturday and am just cutting my losses with Monday. It was a crazy weekend. However my end date is now the day before I leave for a trip, so I really have to stick with my schedule for the last half of this program with no excuses because there's no more "wiggle room."

    Level 2 has gotten easier, though I know for a fact I will never be able to get through those damn chair sits/V-raises without stopping. There's just no way I will ever be that strong, my arms feel like they're on fire and I shake. I feel a lot less encouraged than I did in the beginning, I'm just trudging through now because I've come too far to quit, but am not really excited anymore.

    I feel a lot stronger, but have not lost any weight... I am not really "dieting", I am pescetarian and eat pretty healthy generally... nor am I doing any supplemental cardio. Just the 30DS workouts every day. I'm okay with that. My stomach does look flatter. The main thing I have gained from this program so far is a sense of routine, and that is KEY for me. This makes me hopeful that I can continue to be active every day after the 30DS is over, even for just 20-30 minutes, when I come home from work and keep the weekends as rest days.
  • SuperSammi22
    SuperSammi22 Posts: 65 Member
    I am currently on Day 9, level one and I am loving it. I also run and will incorporate swimming in about a week or so. Is there a group for this? Also feel free to add me! I have been looking for 30ds buddies!
  • Bumblebee3441
    Bumblebee3441 Posts: 67 Member
  • SamsyQueen
    SamsyQueen Posts: 5 Member
    I took a break during level two because of a knee injury. I am trying to get my knee strong again and start it back up. I really like Jillian's style of moving the whole time with fairly straight forward moves. I don't feel like I need a choreographer to help me figure it out. And I know it was working. I am doing her kickboxing workout on and off now. But I really want to get back to the shred so I can know I did it, completed it!!!
  • BayleyBear512
    BayleyBear512 Posts: 67 Member
    Today is Day 14 for me. Level 2 Day 3. I've been doing the 30 day shred with my boyfriend, which has been a challenge! But we are holding each other accountable now.

    I'm starting to see results and can't wait to finish the program to see the final results. My boyfriend has also noticeably lost a bit of his stomach pudge, and his man boobs he was getting are now gone!!! His results are coming faster than mine....>_<

    Anyone can add me! I log everyday and am looking for new buddies
  • gillard0915
    gillard0915 Posts: 6 Member
    How do you get started on the 30 day shred? Sounds interesting!
  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    How do you get started on the 30 day shred? Sounds interesting!

    It's a Jillian MIchaels DVD, you can youtube it or buy it at Target/Walmart.
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    I fell off the wagon yesterday. I'm a little sick and got braces put on my teeth yesterday morning so I was just feeling crummy in general. Will be back on it tonight. In total I have skipped 1 day of Level 1 and now 2 days of Level 2. The fact that I was feeling discouraged earlier this week didn't help, nor does the fact I am attempting to do it straight through with no rest days. In retrospect I should have built in Saturdays as rest days and perhaps I wouldn't be so frustrated.

    I had initially gained a few pounds at the beginning of this program, as of yesterday I am back down to my start weight.
  • luca15306
    luca15306 Posts: 111 Member
    Im defo going to try this very soon!
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    i just did level 3 day 1 last night. i think it is my favorite level! a lot of jumping!
  • olive_26
    olive_26 Posts: 14 Member
    Has anyone else had trouble with the plank positions in level 2? I find they hurts my wrists if I stay in them for too long, I keep having to take breaks. Am I doing it wrong or do I just have weak wrists??
  • I've just done Day 3 of Level One today :) feeling good about myself and already noticing a little bit of different in my arms :D
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    Started Level 3 last night after skipping about 4 days of Level 2... I slacked off majorly and was beginning to feel it. Feels good to be back on track.

    Level 3 is no joke, lots of high jumps and planks, but I am relieved by the reduction in hand weight-related arm strength exercises. Those are always the worst for me and I can never get through them. I don't know if I am just using weights that are too heavy (3 lbs? for a beginner?) or if I am just that weak still. I was relieved anyway until the very end when she said to do jumping jacks holding the weights... yeah, I screamed some expletives at the screen.

    For the plie jumps I started out jumping but the only way for me to keep going was to just squat instead of actually jump. Hopefully I can work up to it.

    I also can't do the plank move where you have to rest your weight on the hand weights because my hand weights are not high enough off the ground for me to wrap my fingers around. So I will have to think of something else to do with this. Right now I am doing it on my knees in "girl pushup" position so there's not a lot of pressure on my fingers which are directly on the ground (ouch...). I was hoping I wouldn't have to buy any equipment but I guess if I'm going to be serious about continuing to work out I could invest in a decent set of hand weights.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Has anyone else had trouble with the plank positions in level 2? I find they hurts my wrists if I stay in them for too long, I keep having to take breaks. Am I doing it wrong or do I just have weak wrists??

    Try switching which fingers face "up" or horizontal with your body, it seems very different for each person what is most comfortable, also try some forearm stretches to make your wrist more flexible. I used to have this problem doing plank/downward dog during yoga and it really got better after experimenting with position and working on flexing.
  • olive_26
    olive_26 Posts: 14 Member
    Has anyone else had trouble with the plank positions in level 2? I find they hurts my wrists if I stay in them for too long, I keep having to take breaks. Am I doing it wrong or do I just have weak wrists??

    Try switching which fingers face "up" or horizontal with your body, it seems very different for each person what is most comfortable, also try some forearm stretches to make your wrist more flexible. I used to have this problem doing plank/downward dog during yoga and it really got better after experimenting with position and working on flexing.

    Thanks for the advice, I kept trying out new positions until I found one that didn't hurt. On to level 3 now!
  • I've been doing it! I'm on level 2 now.
    I've been having to modify some moves for various reasons but I am still seeing results.
    For example, jumping jacks. It's incredibly painful on my knee to land with it out to the side so I just jump as high as I can for them without swinging my legs out - it's annoying too because I've never had a knee problem before 30DS so I'm being really cautious.

    I also have to watch out for my sciatic nerve and sacroiliac joint - a lot of the ab moves on level 2 aren't good on that region so when I can start to feel it aching or I get pains down my leg, I just do level 1 ab moves during level 2. It's frustrating that I can't follow them exactly but considering I am losing inches, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing!

    I'm trying Ripped In 30 after this. <3