

  • Used it for the first time one a run yesterday. (Started a C25K program). The C25K program stated that I burned a little over 200 calories and the HRM (which is the Blue and lilac btw ;) ) said 338. I did test it when I first received it while "Resting" and it stayed in the high 70's and around 80...but I think I do have a…
  • Thanks for the info! I did order from the same company and got the FT7 this morning before reading this post...wish me I will look at others if I have issues. I went with the FT7 over the 4 because of how many workouts it will store. But we will see. thanks again. and I will def. keep you in mind if I have any…
  • 3 Dogs, (Mini Poodle, Yorkie, and a Lab mix rescue) 2 Cats 2 Cherry Headed Red Footed Tortoises 1 Red Eyed Tree Frog 1 Gargoyle Gecko :)
  • Woot! Woot! Get it girl! We can do it! How is everyone doing on TurboFire? I am doing well. Just did my HIIT 20 today and I must say it made me queezy! lol I am looking into Heart Rate Monitors to help keep me motivated and let me know how much I am burning during my T.F. work outs. Anybody do this? And have…
  • Awesome! Well let's stay on top of things and help motivate each other! =) I was sick on sat and planted an Orchard yesterday (Can't wait to get the fruits of that labor) on the family property. =) So I missed a day. I will be finishing week one tomorrow. I enjoy it, but it seems my kids think that when I am working out it…
  • ^^^^ That is super impressive. I can't read more than one...for instance, if I did read more than one , my conversations would sound like this..."Hey! Didn't you love the part were Arwen rode the Dragon through Narnia to kill Voldemort?!?!" HAHA! Kudos to you!
  • Hey! I am Tiffany and my super power is being an awesome crafter. I love helping people with cosplays (but never seem to make one for me :/ ) My husband would say that it is determination because anytime I decide I am going to learn or do something, I don't stop until I am good at it....I call this OCD. =)
  • Woot! Woot! =) My Kitchen is Doctor Who! ;)
  • Good Luck! Sounds like you will be super busy while attacking such a big challenge! I Hope it goes well! =)
  • Hey! I am on Day Three of Turbo Fire. =) I am SOOOOO Sore...But I guess that means I am doing it right! I Started at 167 and changed my eating habits to eating only when I am hungry and choosing raw and healthy foods. I have lost over 20lbs just by eating healthy and decided it was time to Fire it up! I also discovered…