Thanks Troutsy. Need to watch cholesterol now.
You should be so proud of yourself. You look amazing.
R U sure these aren't 95 calories. Still good though. THX
Good for you. You did it.
I just quit paying attention when I was raising my kids. Also I used food as an answer to stress, frustration, boredom. I started to remind myself sort of as a mantra, When I realize I am doing this is repeat. "Food is not the answer". Sometimes it helps. Not always
Guess maybe the old body is trying to tell me something. Thx for the replies.
62 years old. Lost 24 lbs since middle of January.
U look like a different person. Great job.
Don't quit now...u look fabulous.
You did great. Stay the course.
Looks like diacetyl was banned by major popcorn manufacturers.
I eat Orville Red Smart Pop kettle corn and the mini bags have the same calories as the full bag according to the label....has me perplexed.
Thanks for posting. I needed that.
Well once again MFP people come through. I am ordering the book. Thanks:wink: Everyone.
Thanks for taking the time to answer. Will look into the link.
Low calorie one?
Oh Yes. Blue Bunny. LOL
Hmmm. I just searched that again and this time I got 200 calories for 1/2 cup of Dairy Queen Chocolate. Not as bad, but I could eat that much in 2 seconds.
I just remember Wally mart used to have Funny Bunny? fudge sickles that were really good.
U look awesome.
U Look Fabulous
Hi. I am not sure why but after reaching a plateau eating 1200 calories I decided to up it to about 1400 per day. Strangely enough I started to drop again. Don't get discouraged. I figure it took me 20 years to gain it so I can't expect to loose it overnight. Sometimes I weigh myself before I go to sleep and when I get up…
Awesome. Good for you.
Very well done. I was searching for the like button, then realized I'm not on Facebook.LOL
I wonder if people don't notice because it's gradual. Someone noticed I made my hair a LOT lighter about 2 years after I did it. Anyway, you look marvelous in that dress at this point.
You are looking fabulous.
Funny...that explains it.