

  • I finished Insanity a while back, repeated bit of it for a couple of months and now I'm working through Insanity Max 30. It worked for me, like many people I didn't lose many pounds but I lost many inches. I didn't follow the diet plan, but did stick to a calorie deficit. Good luck!
  • There are many Brits, like me. The only issue on MFP I've ever come across where location is a problem, is occasionally in the Food & Nutrition forum where someone mentions something that sounds amazing and it turns out you can't buy it in the UK! :smile:
  • I used a calorie estimate, from a site like above, (took a little off to account for it probably overestimating) and then logged each entire workout as a custom exercise (e.g. "P90X - Chest and Back"). I did the same for Insanity, the calories won't be exact, but I left a margin for error and ate sensibly.
  • Another vote for MyProtein here. There's always a decent deal on. I tend to go for the vanilla as it seems to work well with anything, even the cheaper unflavoured is pretty good with semi/whole milk.
  • To answer your questions: 1) It worked for me, I didn't lose a lot of weight but I lost many inches, I'm easily in the best shape I've ever been and I'm debating go into a round 2 to see where I end up (I've been doing a mixture of other workouts including p90x/Insanity/T25) since completing round 1. 2) I didn't follow the…
  • I've finished Insanity, and have continued with that and P90X ever since so I can give you a little bit of advice.... and it'll probably echo a fair bit of what was said above... Firstly, it does work. I probably lost 4lbs in total but I lost many inches all over, I've had to replace a fair bit of my wardrobe. Don't get…
  • I weighed 169 pounds at the start, I ate around 1850 calories a day while doing Insanity, month 1 was fine, month 2 I found myself a little hungrier in the evening (depending on what I'd eaten - I wasn't following the meal plan). I had a cheat day, I cut down on a few things (bread!) and worked on portion sizes. I lost…
  • Feel free to add me, currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid and T25, after finishing my first round of Insanity.
  • 100% support for ignoring weight and just using measurements all over (thighs/calves/chest/waist/arms etc...). I finished the programme, losing a whopping 3 or 4lbs in total :) However, I lost inches all over and toned up considerably. It really is worth finishing, just ignore that scale. Month 2 is hard, but to be honest…
  • I'm currently doing the P90X/Insanity plan from the beachbody website, with a slight modification (I replace Yoga X for more Insanity cardio - either the core cardio and balance or the pure cardio one - simply because I'm not a fan of yoga). So far so good, it's nice to have a bit of variety, and also puts use to my push…
  • I recently finished the program, and I've since started a 90 day P90X/Insanity hybrid plan (and T25 occasionally when I have a spare morning). I didn't lose much weight, but you wouldn't think that to look at me now. I've lost many inches all over, I'm looking more toned and I'm quite interested to see how I'll look after…
  • I'm doing the P90X/Insanity one that can be found here: http://www.beachbody.com/category/p90x-online/worksheets.do
  • I've finished Insanity recently, and I can tell you that it worked for me. I didn't lose a huge amount of weight but I lost inches all over and my general fitness has improved dramatically. I didn't follow the nutrition plan, but did stick to a calorie deficit and increased my protein intake. I'm now doing a P90X /…
  • Max Cardio Conditioning + Cardio Abs, by a long way. I'm about to complete Insanity and will probably start month 2 again, replacing all the workouts I hate with Max Cardio :)
  • Insanity - Max Cardio Conditioning + Cardio Abs. Oddly, my favourite day.
  • I haven't given up a huge amount of foods, but like a lot of people I have limited it greatly. I try not to eat bread more than once a week, the same with pasta (and that's been reduced by half in portion size). I've also halved potato portion-size and increased green vegetable portion size. I've also stopped adding sugar…
  • Here's mine for the first 4 (currently on Week 7, day 3) I have one remaining in a couple of weeks. Switch Kicks - 50/103/121/125 (I get the feeling I didn't try very hard on the first one) Power Jacks - 38/45/52/55 Power Knees - 71/88/98/104 Power Jumps - 21/23/30/42 Globe Jumps - 4/6/8/9 Suicide Jumps - 11/16/16/18 Push…
  • I'm just about to finish the 6th week, and whilst I haven't lost a huge amount of weight, my chest is bigger and waist smaller. Shoulders, arms and legs much more toned (legs especially, it does wonders for leg muscles) and generally I'm sleeping better and feeling way more healthy than ever before. Couldn't recommend it…
    in Insanity Comment by danfiveoh July 2014
  • Count me in. Currently in week 6, but enjoying it so much I'm considering beginning it all again afterwards (but possibly dropping down to 5 days a week!)
  • This was exactly how I was a couple of years ago. I decided I didn't quite like being like that so found myself a good 'Couch to 5k' app on my iPhone and followed it religiously for the two or so months it lasted, despite horrible shin splints for a lot of it! Within a year I was regularly running 5ks. I couldn't get too…
  • To be fair, I did Max Cardio Conditioning yesterday and really enjoyed it (though it's tough). :smile:
  • Sounds like I'm a day ahead of you. After two days of month 2 I've sweated more than I did in month 1 and after doing the Plyo session yesterday I could do with never seeing it again. However, I felt like that in week 1 too, and didn't give up then. I did time the fitness test / interval session into a morning and…