Getting started with insanity?

Hey guys being 20 pounds overweight ive decided to start insanity and i need some questions answered! Any of them being answered would be a great help!

1.How many calories a day should I eat? Ive been eating 1800. Is that too many? Too little? I'm not sure.
2.Im getting a HRM without a strap so when should I check my HR during the exercises?

Thank you for the help and good luck with your goal!


  • nsc5053
    Did you buy Insanity from Beachbody? They include a meal plan and in that booklet is calculations for how to determine how many calories you should be eating.

    Also, I check my HR as often as I can during my exercises. Any time I need a break I check my HR.
  • danfiveoh
    I weighed 169 pounds at the start, I ate around 1850 calories a day while doing Insanity, month 1 was fine, month 2 I found myself a little hungrier in the evening (depending on what I'd eaten - I wasn't following the meal plan). I had a cheat day, I cut down on a few things (bread!) and worked on portion sizes. I lost many inches all over, it does work.

    There's plenty of places to check your HR during the videos, Shaun T will even prompt his guys a few times to check theirs. Just whack pause if you need a few seconds longer, don't feel you need to stick religiously to the 30 second breaks.

    Your experiences may vary, but good luck!