caffeineismyfriend Member


  • I leave the yolks out because 4 whole eggs = 280 calories and a great deal of cholesterol whereas 4 egg whites = 68 calories, no cholesterol, and a great deal of protein. Plus, cooked egg yolks smell and taste like wet dog to me so I don't really miss them at all, lol.
  • Great Breakfast idea: (I'm going to post this in the main 'Recipes' page too, but I think you could benefit from it :-) ) I do a 4 egg white omelet with 1/2 of a diced roma tomato and about 3/4 of an ounce of shredded colby jack cheese. I cook the omelet in about 1/4 Tbs of real butter and top it with 1/4 ounce of the…
  • My absolute FAVORITE new breakfast that keeps me full till lunch: 4 egg white omlette with 1/2 of a diced roma tomato and about 1/2 an ounce of shredded colby jack cheese. I like to shred a little extra cheese on top as well with a little salt and pepper. Along with my coffee w/ 30oz of half and half my breakfast is around…