I guess I would define low fat or healthier versions of baking. Maybe replacing worst baking items for something else. I always see some many recipes for healthy baking but use expensive products to do so. I like homemade at the least and using fruit puree etc
Mhm. Recently my baking as lessen, which is perfectly fine. I have my own baking blog so thats probably another reason I feel like I need to do it, but I have taken that out of my mind and just doing it when I really want to.Still my great outlet and I love doing it. But yes I have had similar situation where I want to…
Yes :). I try to take it step by step. I really like your idea to challenge by exercising first and then you can bake. Sort of a balance reward in a way. Recently Ive been drinking a lot more water to keep me full and I seem to just crave it :) Yes I try to bake with simple ingredients nothing to fancy. I never bake with…
Yeah. I do all my own baking. I do a little bit of healthy baking and ingredients. Just sometimes its quite expensive. So right now I'm trying to find ways to balance fitness and still doing my hobby. Right now I'm still baking just eating less. I dont bake as much as I did in the past due to expensive product. But I love…
I can definitely see a difference from all views. especially see a change in your face, stomach, hip shape and legs. Great job!