Balancing Fitness And Passion For Baking

dini33 Posts: 7
edited September 25 in Introduce Yourself
Hey! :)

My passion in life is baking/pastry arts. I want to learn new ways to balance my fitness and baking.
I want to be stronger and fit.I want to hear from people that are in the same position as me.Where their hobby may cause a challenge or interruption in reaching their fitness goals. Anyone have any tips or in the same position.


  • eeeekie
    eeeekie Posts: 1,011 Member
    I've had the same problem. I've completely stopped baking and before I started this program I bought all new stuff to start baking again (ingredients). I was going to make some lovely valentines day chocolate cupcakes but ...didn't. I was just saying today "I miss baking so much! I wish I could learn how to bake delicious but healthy stuff". I find anything you google that's healthy and "baking" it's usually prepackaged. I love all home-made.

    I've been desperate to bake again.
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    I'm the same - I regularly bake massive amounts of cupcakes and cookies for my charity - the RSPCA here in Australia.
    That aside, if you want to bake FOR YOURSELF then modify the recipes a bit!
    Firstly, make as many ingredients as possible organic. Change the flour from white processed to wholemeal. For fruity bakes (like muffins etc) consider changing the milk component to fruit juice. Muffins generally dont need butter either, so you can control what kind of oil you use. Try using natural ingredients and spices for flavour.
    Use spray oil, or better yet baking paper instead of greasing with butter. Use low fat milk, salt reduced butter, low fat or better quality sweeteners.
    Home baking is MILES BETTER than buying it - you are controlling what goes in it, you dont have any hidden additives or trans fats and you have to WAIT until they are cooked before you eat!
    Develop a taste for healthier baking and explore new recipes!!
  • dini33
    dini33 Posts: 7
    Yeah. I do all my own baking. I do a little bit of healthy baking and ingredients. Just sometimes its quite expensive. So right now I'm trying to find ways to balance fitness and still doing my hobby. Right now I'm still baking just eating less. I dont bake as much as I did in the past due to expensive product. But I love hearing ideas and views on people in the same position. Just adding some more info about myself. I am doing somewhat more of the healthy replacement baking. But I really looking for ways to distract myself from eating the baking and still be able to make it.Learning discipline in a way
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    You sound like you are making a great start!

    How about challenging yourself that on a baking day you can't start baking until you have been for a walk or something like that? Then you are ahead of what calories you may consume when baking? Also, try drinking at least a glass of water before you eat, it will fill you up and you won't eat so much!

    Out here we have lots of fruit shops and markets who mark down fruits and vegetables when they need using up. I have had bargains before with whole cases of tomatoes etc which can be fantastic for someone that knows how to use them, can cook in bulk and then freeze for cheap and easy meals!

    Your talent can be put to good use, you are way ahead of many here who struggle to boil an egg, so they are living on processed crap - it frustrates me to see so many people thinking they are doing the right thing by eating so many contents of cardboard boxes!

    Balance the activity and you are streets ahead :)
  • dini33
    dini33 Posts: 7
    Yes :). I try to take it step by step.

    I really like your idea to challenge by exercising first and then you can bake. Sort of a balance reward in a way. Recently Ive been drinking a lot more water to keep me full and I seem to just crave it :)

    Yes I try to bake with simple ingredients nothing to fancy. I never bake with anything with boxes example: cake mixes or cookie mixes. However I have tried them in the past. I really like making homemade baking as much as possible so I can learn a lot and just create. With doing that it help with what I want in the future is going into career in pastry arts/ baking.

    But right now I'm trying to focus on fitness along side baking. Because their a lot more physical side and work towards homemade baking then most people know. I just want to be stronger to work faster and be able to stand for longer periods of time and just have more energy. Hopefully fitness pal helps a little more.

    I'm really glad on on the only one and I find it awesome with the quick responses.
  • dini33
    dini33 Posts: 7
    Mhm. Recently my baking as lessen, which is perfectly fine. I have my own baking blog so thats probably another reason I feel like I need to do it, but I have taken that out of my mind and just doing it when I really want to.Still my great outlet and I love doing it.

    But yes I have had similar situation where I want to bake something and sounds so much fun but i end up not doing it either due to ingredient restraint or whatever else.I figure out that I prefer baking and all the creativity along side it then eating it. I find it more fun to decorate and give it as gifts and make someone happy.

    Recently I have been doing some replacements in recipes. Such as using applesauce in certain recipes to replace some sugar or fats etc. But it only works for some baking recipes while their are more expensive things that can be used for healthier recipes to replace.
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