

  • That is a good idea! I should pull out my jeans from 3 years ago when I dropped to a 14 (which makes me look thin for my body type and height) for a while. Sadly I went back up 2 sizes being all stressy with work and life. Scale numbers don't matter.. its fitting in those cute jeans that matters. I am totally healthy, but…
  • Haha. Well its worth the investment if you find one. You can use it other ways like... surprise your fiance one night. ;) Find one that has boning if you can. It supports you better. Good luck!
  • I did OK yesterday but my period is coming... which makes me ravenous... so last night I ate an extra bowl of meatballs in tomato sauce, skipped the noodles though. I also skipped my planned desert of a small dark chocolate bar. I went over my calorie goal by en extra 350 calories.. so today I am going out with my kids for…
  • Sset - What about a pirate wench? Corsets can flatter and one is expected to be busty and sassy. Your Fiance can be your captain. ;)
  • Hey crenspirit, I think being on a "diet" is a bad idea, I agree with you. Watching portions and calories and staying away from junk food in general is key. Plus regular movement of course. Skinny cow has some really good ice cream actually. I wish my IBS/lactose intolerance allowed for them, I love ice cream.
  • Amanda- I bet the wedding was awesome, a candy buffet sounds like a lot of fun! If your hubby wont eat it I would give it away or just throw it out. I know that if it is in my house and I get strong cravings I will eat it. I'm bad that way to be honest. If hubby wants it put it in your most inconvenient cabinet out of…
  • If throwing or going to a party why not bring along a healthy option or two? I'm sure we can come up with some Halloween recipes to share that are yummy but reasonable. Carlsoda if giving out candy is too much of a temptation then yeah turn off the porch lights and watch a movie with a healthy dinner. ;) I'm going to end…
  • Hello everyone! I am surprised at how many people have joined already. Hopefully having this much support will help us all reach our goals. Thank you for joining and keep checking back regularly. :)
    in Say Hello! Comment by vgates81 July 2014
  • Well on Halloween I always get plenty of exercise because we walk the entire neighborhood. If you usually drive your kids try hoofing it this year... and stay out of the candy. LOL OK that is so not happening, but here is my secret. I buy myself a dark chocolate bar to nibble. If no kids well.. have fun giving candy or…
  • I will go first! What should we call you / name: Victoria Where you are from: Tennessee Your weight loss goals: Lose 40 pounds Motivation: Health and Looking Good Favorite Foods: Chocolate, Chicken Exercise Plans: Trying to be good and do at least 15 -30 mins a day of walking / treadmill Hobbies: Gaming, Reading Anything…
    in Say Hello! Comment by vgates81 July 2014