

  • It's a lot harder to workout in the morning because you are dehydrated and have no fuel. That said, it's also the most beneficial time to work out as you do go right into your fat for fuel! I strength train in the morning because cardio usually makes me ill before eating (but on occasion I get it in...) I also try to get a…
  • The Laughing Cow babybel cheese wheels are my BEST FRIENDS. They are a satisfying snack when I can't make it another hour til a meal. For lunch I usually pack things like cucumber sandwiches on sandwich thins with lemon pepper and sometimes a slice of American Cheese ;) Or I make extra portions of healthy dinners and pack…
  • Way to go!!! How tall are you? I was 160, and my current goal is 135, but I am pretty tall. 5'9"
  • Try your best to consistently use the calorie counter! Monitor your food! It's not that hard :) Sometimes I'll miss three days in a row but it really helps you to be more conscious about the things you put into your body. When you meet your calorie goals you will start to become familiar with how your body feels with the…