If you do protein shakes or other drinks, look into a fiber supplement with protein called Barn Dad. They carry it at Vitamin Shoppe and GNC. The taste is actually pretty good and mixes well with other things if you take them.
Your question makes perfect sense, and this is one of those situations where common sense can steer you wrong. What isn't readily apparent, but science can confirm, is that HIIT keeps on working for fat loss for a longer time AFTER you stop working when compare to steady state cardio. This are much better explanations by…
Don't be intimidated by the guy in this video, he is one of the best you'll find to teach technique in the big 3 lifts. This is the first of 9 part series, but for the basics this is the only installment you need.
As far as drug testing goes, this a good read if you have a little time:
"Natty" means you can pass a WADA quality drug test. People who want to use clen or other banned substances are fine with me, I train with lots of friends who do, it's their choice. But don't claim natural status. I have only 2 problems with drug users: 1. When they insult my intelligence by claiming to be clean. 2. As an…
The huge bodybuilders who don't use drugs are lying. They do use drugs(test, other aas and growth hormone if they can afford it), they eat a ton (but when they need to, can use drugs and diet and strip off fat better than anyone), and frequently use insulin to help shuttle all that food into their systems. There are drug…