how do people turn into these huge bodybuilders?

saif1996 Posts: 111 Member
what do they eat? how long do they exercise? and do they have to start to gain fat weight cause they can look like a huge bodybuilder?

and do they really think that it looks good?

btw i know some turn huge bodybuilders by using drugs but im talking about the bodybuilders that dont use it

i heard some bodybuilders have to keep eating is that right?


  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Some use IIFYM ... Some a flexible diet approach [less the snacking@junk food ~ a totally natty approach ... Some pin [inject] themselves with growth hormones, insulin and other synthetic hormones to 'jack up' their muscles. Regardless, all approaches need adherence to a proper diet and disciplined lifting regimen.
  • DGR70
    DGR70 Posts: 7 Member
    The huge bodybuilders who don't use drugs are lying. They do use drugs(test, other aas and growth hormone if they can afford it), they eat a ton (but when they need to, can use drugs and diet and strip off fat better than anyone), and frequently use insulin to help shuttle all that food into their systems. There are drug tested competitions, but the testing (when it even gets done) is generally a joke.

    I've been lifting and training around these men (and women) for 25 years, and the truly drug free ones are either relatively big with high body fat or lean with much less muscle than the drug guys. The ones who are big AND lean are virtually always on some drugs and lying about it. Most of the competitive bodybuilders I've known over the years consider just using injectable testosterone supplementation as "clean". Most of them train very hard, if not always smart, but when you add drugs to the equation, training need not be as efficient to get big results.

    As far as the look, they do like it and want to be bigger, leaner, more vascular. Almost all the ones I know suffer from body dismorphia as severe as any anorexic or bulimic.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    I believe that some bodybuilders can claim to be natty, if they're only using 3 forms[compounds] of enhancement tools. Many who are larger are using 20 at least, minimum. And some use drugs like clenbuterol to get shredded, an asthma medication ~ non-steroidal with fat burning qualities[side effect].

    ETA: compounds

    Agree Doug Rawnsley.
  • DGR70
    DGR70 Posts: 7 Member
    "Natty" means you can pass a WADA quality drug test. People who want to use clen or other banned substances are fine with me, I train with lots of friends who do, it's their choice. But don't claim natural status. I have only 2 problems with drug users:

    1. When they insult my intelligence by claiming to be clean.

    2. As an actual drug free and tested powerlifting competitor, anyone who comes to a drug free meet on something that is banned is a punk and a coward. Go lift with the other drug guys on a level playing field, don't lie to everyone for your ego and a plastic trophy.
  • DGR70
    DGR70 Posts: 7 Member
    As far as drug testing goes, this a good read if you have a little time:
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    "Natty" means you can pass a WADA quality drug test. People who want to use clen or other banned substances are fine with me, I train with lots of friends who do, it's their choice. But don't claim natural status. I have only 2 problems with drug users:

    1. When they insult my intelligence by claiming to be clean.

    2. As an actual drug free and tested powerlifting competitor, anyone who comes to a drug free meet on something that is banned is a punk and a coward. Go lift with the other drug guys on a level playing field, don't lie to everyone for your ego and a plastic trophy.

    I'm annoyed by them to be honest.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    It takes YEARS to put on muscle especially as a natty. Dudes in the mags (even the claimed natty's) are using/have used anabolics along with other PED's to attain their physiques. And yes nutrition fits in right there with them. It's a commitment, very time consuming and many competitive bodybuilders are pretty boring because any other physical activity outside of lifting, is usually deterred because of the chance of muscle loss. Some guys I knew just hung at a home most of the time and played video games.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    what do they eat? how long do they exercise? and do they have to start to gain fat weight cause they can look like a huge bodybuilder?

    and do they really think that it looks good?

    btw i know some turn huge bodybuilders by using drugs but im talking about the bodybuilders that dont use it

    i heard some bodybuilders have to keep eating is that right?

    1. It's a balance of eating just more than their body needs (Slightly over their TDEE) and most do about an hour and a half 4-5 days a week. They do gain some fat because that's the process of adding mass. You are probably thinking of steroid using bodybuilders because natural ones can't get THAT big. Either way the whole thing takes YEARS (most competitors don't do well until 5-8 years into training).

    2. Maybe they do think they look good. Does it really matter? They didn't do it for anyone else.

    3. The huge bodybuilders use drugs. Check out the difference between natural competitions and Olympia. Natural bodybuilders look more like men's physique from Olympia.

    4. They have to eat enough to grow, but not so much that they gain tons of fat because eventually they have to diet to lose that fat. It's not in their best interest to just pig out 24/7.

    *I'm a natural bodybuilder.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    and do they really think that it looks good?

    A lot of people DO think it looks good.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    The goal of a body builder is essentially to get big, so you can lift more, so you look big.

    To me, functionally it would never fit most people's goals.