gabrielled Member


  • You know, I'm never really good at making every day balance, and some days, I'm just starving, while others, I only want two meals. I just figure, within a week's time, if I balance calories in/calories out, then I'm good. Cheat days aren't really cheats. They are planned out before hand.
  • Yes, if your sugars are from fruit and not white sugar and flour, you should be fine.
  • Guess what else isn't right? "Skinny" labeled items that are FULL OF SUGAR.
  • Nothing! Tonight's dinner was my 'free' dinner.
  • I know when I am "coming off" sugar, my body does the same thing. Track your sugars for a bit, and look to see if the sleepy days come right off of a high sugar day.
  • Oh, and I like the honesty bit. That is a GREAT goal!
  • Glad you are here, Kammy. I am a MFP alumni. I lost nearly 40 pounds before, and then put some back on. I guess we forget that this is a lifestyle change, and I backslid. I have 14 to get back to where I was, and then maybe another 5 or so until I am at maintenance. You will get there if you don't stop trying, and the…
  • My sons can easily eat a whole box in one night, so I just can't buy them, but I do love Skinny Cow when I can hide them!
  • Never mind that. I want the curly fries. And the caramel corn that is as addictive as crack. And the cotton candy. ohhhhh cotton candy pure sugar with color sent from heaven!
  • OH!!! Forgot! Beans and cabbage will interfere too!
  • It's time to talk to your doctor about it. I take a Kelp supplement, but only because I talked it out with my doctor first. It may interfere with your medicine, so talk first!
  • 1) Exercise. You will be able to eat more. 2) Eat more protein. (You've already gotten this advice) 3) Eat a small snack (100 calories or less) and see if that gets you through the night. At the beginning, and when breaking some plateaus, I will go to bed hungry. It sucks, but it can be effective if only done now and then.
  • I'm in the same boat. Hang in there. I lost almost 50, gained back 15, and worked out for 10 days straight and have been under calories, and I GAINED, but then dropped, 2 pounds.
  • Same thing is happening to me. I lost almost 50 pounds two years ago, and have put back almost 15. I have worked out diligently for ten days, and have been under my calorie goal, but my weight has not changed. It went up, and then back down to the start weight. It is definitely a 'wtf' reaction. I just keep waiting for my…
  • Well, heat can play a big factor. Have you been drinking your 8 glasses and THEN SOME MORE? If you are sweating this much, maybe you need more. You could also be getting sick. Another thing, do you take a multivitamin? Something to think about, since you are asking so much more of your body than you have before.
  • Awwww come on! Just once!
  • Um YES! I wore my hrm one time, and I keep that as the gold standard!
  • There is a formula at the bottom of the page!
  • I think you should just trust the hrm. Mine always says way more than the machines at the gym. Good job for walking an hour and a half! Also, I think Polar has stuff on their site about the V02.
  • Lucky you! I went from a C after my babies were born to barely a B, but I would rather be this size.
  • Triceps kick backs, overhead extensions, push ups, pull ups (challenge yourself, find a friend to assist you, and work up to a goal of 'this many' unassisted). But you have to get your body fat percentage down too. Everyone's boobs get smaller with weight-loss and when they become more 'fit,' however--how much better will…
  • GRRRRRRRR! I hate weighing right before (one or two days) and during my cycle. I either stay the same or go up a pound or two. Sometimes I get that, "WHY BOTHER TRACKING OR TRYING!" voice, and I have to tell it to shut up. I too am wondering if your implant is past its prime. A baby (!!!!) is too big a risk to not know if…
  • Google HRM in the message boards, and you will find a million posts. I love my polar hrm. I can't remember the model right off the top of my head, but it's green! I don't know what I would do without mine, and it came WITH the strap. The strap communicates with the machines at the gym too, but I like that my watch stores…
  • Either you think, "That's it. It's over. I blew it," and give up, or you think, "Wow, chocolate cake is hard to resist," and you move on and keep trying. Whatcha gonna do? If you give up, you backslide to who you were before you made the decision to improve your health. If you keep trying, you start learning that this is a…
  • To respond. Hmmm. I've never done the 30 Day Shred, so I'm not sure. HOWEVER! Youtube actually has workouts! Be picky, spend a while looking around, and read the credentials of those who post. Also, if you have Netflix, they have workout dvds too. I live in a small town, but not THAT small. I did grow up in a town that…
  • You got it when you say that you are riding your bike on your off days. Cross training is to choose an activity that is different from your regular activity and uses a different set of muscles AND uses them in a different way. If you haven't yet, think about adding some resistance training (weights) to your workouts.…
  • Plantar fascitis or that tendon in your toe. Before you get to your appointment, freeze a water bottle, and roll the bottom of your foot across the frozen bottle. Does it feel better? Plantar fascitis. But still go to the doc.
  • Cardio is my weak spot. Sometimes when I run, I have to tone it down and walk because my heart rate gets so high. HOWEVER, when I pump out the squats, my heart rate monitor hits the 'too high' mark when I have one or two squats left. When it doesn't do that anymore, I know it's time to either increase my reps or up my…
  • Pure protein. I buy a box of them and hide them from my boys!
  • I think I would look up the individual exercises and try that way. Also, lots and lots of people on MFP use heart rate monitors (we call them HRM for short), and I find my HRM to be undeniably the best way to figure out how many calories I burn on any given day with any particular workout. Good luck! Keep asking questions.