

  • Pasta and cheese should not be part of your diet if you're trying to lose or maintain a good weight. Yes, they taste delicious (I miss both), but it's a must if you want to reduce calories, cut out carbs and fats.
  • A half of a Flatout is only 45 calories. Would you consider trying one? they come in light Italian flavor, multi grain and original.
  • I think you should. I take 2 glucosomine/chondroitan (sorry about spelling) and 4 Omega-3 a day. That's an additional 65 calories a day. I even count the gum I chew. It keeps me honest.
  • Potatoes are a no no when dieting. White rice, white potatoes, white bread. Very high in carbs and, if you're serious about dieting, should be removed from your food allowances. If you want to eat potatoes, eat yams. When made right, you won't even need butter. My sister makes the cauliflower recipe and it's delicious.…