Do Supplements Count?

I have not , so far, been logging my supplements, should I be? Mostly I am curious about the fish oil, evening primrose oil, and vitamin e. That would certainly add to my fat calories I would think since I take them 3 times a day usually. I know alot of people take fish oil supplements , so should they get added to the food diary?

Thanks in advance.


  • EmilyStrick
    i take the same things and i don't track them and haven't had a problem!
  • LoisLane
    I think you should. I take 2 glucosomine/chondroitan (sorry about spelling) and 4 Omega-3 a day. That's an additional 65 calories a day. I even count the gum I chew. It keeps me honest.
  • BigdaddyJ
    personnaly I caount all the supplements that have the info on the package...
  • TwentyTen
    To Count Or Not To Count, that is the question. lol.
    Thanks for the input.
    So.. two yays, and one nay counted, hm. Surely that fish oil is going to add up, and I like my avacado, darn.
  • BigdaddyJ
    remember, a calorie is a calorie, wherever it comes from!!
  • TwentyTen
    remember, a calorie is a calorie, wherever it comes from!!

    Of course you are right, I was just hoping the oil supplements might be some sort of phantom no-count calories, haha. I will start adding them in, see how it changes the numbers. I really can't lose my avocado!