

  • I wholeheartedly agree (I'm a middle school social studies teacher). I echo earlier posts: keep drinking water (although not while you're teaching, but while grading or during meetings would be good), and chew gum or suck on peppermints. I also find that listening to music while grading helps.... odd but true. Good luck! I…
  • I have had all 8 glasses of water every day this week! Woo hoo!
  • I agree with the other people on here. No one should have to "put up" with someone else's anger management issues. My ex husband was OCD, and similar issues. I thought I could "put up with it" too, until he started hitting the walls next to my head, screaming and hitting the dog, shoving me. It's been three years, and…
  • bumping this for later as well.... saw this a week or two ago...! (or get the cook in the fam to try them, LOL)
  • Best of luck in your journey! You'll find lots of people on here facing the exact same things that you are! and, btw, great to see people from Nashville on here :) A taste of home! (I grew up in Nashville)
  • The first memory I have of being overweight was when I was 9, and the doctor told my mother that I needed to "watch what I ate" because I was at the top of the percentiles for my height (I was 110 lbs... but I was tall.) I always had a tummy, and had a terrible time finding clothes. Once I hit puberty, I hit a size 14, and…
  • bumping for later... would love to hear some as well.... :tongue:
  • I've found that two-a-day works for me..... well, that and my coffee. :) Again, everything in moderation. And, for those of you that drink "regular" because it HAS to be better.... all that stuff has High Fructose Corn Syrup in it. Not a whole lot better, IMO. It's like everything in life... moderation is key!
  • Oh yes, I eat all of my calories... Starvation mode is definitely not a problem. I actually get myself to exercise by promising chocolate to myself if I do :) Should I eat all of my exercise calories though? I don't quite trust MFP sometimes -- I have a hard time believing that some of the activities I do burn as many…
  • I'd like to join this group, too! I'm having a terrible time getting this weight off, and perhaps a challenge would be good for me! Besides, 7 pounds would put me under 180 for the first time in a year. So: current weight: 186.6 By the end of March: 179.6 Definitely DOABLE!