jesandrews91 Member


  • I think it's under stair-treadmill, ergometer .. Not sure why it's not just posted under stair climber or step mill... Anyways that's what I use to log my days on the stair mill and it's almost accurate according to what I physically did on the stair mill.
  • Way to go! You can do it! Once you see the results you won't want to stop!
  • If you go to the gym.. I definitely recommend the stair mill! You will notice results and toning within the first two weeks!
  • For me cutting my cals and carbs was very difficult! Although my daily cal intake is much different from yours.. My daily intake is 1200 cals. But I've slowly have even able to substitute foods. Ex instead of using ranch on my salads I use a vinaigrette. Small things like that can cut my cals. If you are having an easy…
  • Yes! Yes! Have you ever used the stair mill at the gym? (Way diff then stair master)... The results showed in my legs just after the 1st two weeks of using this almost daily! I burn double the amount of calories on the stair mill in 10 mins than running a mile in the same amount of time. I normally do intervals of…
  • I have this same problem! I can't wait to get on the scale everyday to see if I've progressed even if it's just a .03 difference on the scale... It keeps me motivated to keep up with my workouts and to go even harder!!. I use Fridays as my "final" weigh in for the week though when recording in MFP...
  • It's been so cold out to ride a bike I've been taking a spin class at the local gym 3-4 times a week for the last two months and I love what this class has done for me! Definitely has helped tone and trim my legs and body fat in general. Each class is different and listening to pumping music with an…
  • Belly fat is definitely the hardest spot on your body to loose fat. Drink water all day long. Have a water bottle with you everywhere you go. Water keeps you full without wanting to munch on things in between meals.. It flushes you out and rids all the extra water weight your body is retaining. I highly suggest getting rid…
  • Once your body is used to doing the same routine in your workouts... Your body "adjusts" to the exertion and needs to burn less calories. I would definitely suggest adding some more cardio in your routine and do intervals from light to difficult frequently and randomly during each session. Although if your always feeling…