I want thinner, more toned thighs?



  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    I have been rollerskating for a couple of months & it has shaped my thighs & calves better than any workout. lol
  • Yazza2
    Yazza2 Posts: 31
  • I'm really sorry in advance because I don't have a clue what any names if any machines are..

    I use the gym weight machine where you push your legs up 4 sets of 8
    Then the one where you push the weight down with your legs 4 sets of 8
    Then bar over shoulders do lunges 4 sets of 8 each side
    Then use a kettle bell and do lunge 'pulses' 4 sets of 8 each side
    Then 4 sets of 8 squats with kettle bell
    Then 4 sets of 8 on the leg press machine.

    I do the heaviest weight I can. Was scared at the start id get huge. I'm 5ft6 and 110lb. Took me about 5/6 weeks to start noticing results but my legs look toned/defined instead of 'sticky outty' at the bottom and flabby at the top.

    Sorry for my shocking fitness terminology haha (:
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Kettle bells!!

    I've seen my trainer (who is certified and is a body builder for many years) working with a girl who has an amazing physique and he's helping her get more toned. I've seen him have her do (he has me do these too but a "modified" version with reduced weights or times) deadlifts with kettlebell (I've done this too and my *kitten* and thighs are shrinking and muscle is growing), kettlebell swings, swuats with the kettle bells, burpees, bunny kicks (holy hell these are brutal and burn those thights!!), mountain climbers, box jumps, push and pull the weighted sled across the gym turf (if your gym has one), seps, squat jumps...yeah these will do a whole lot for your legs!! I'm working it, I have muscle growing but until I get the fat all off you won't see the whole package....but girl these things totally are working for me!!
    love all of thses. How many lbs is kettleball for the other girl ? And what are bunny kicks, maybe there what we call scorpians? Also sit on edge of rolling office type chair on carpet and propel yourself with your feet ,you need a little bit of free pathway for maximum challenge but it will really work your legs, no weights needed.
  • rosanna421
    rosanna421 Posts: 65 Member
    I cycled alot at max resistance, deadlifts, kettlebells help. I now have really nice and strong legs and very nice shape to them, including a thigh gap which i wasnt expecting to get at all, what most helped me was the cycling.
  • whereelse
    whereelse Posts: 3 Member
    Body weight squats - and walking lunges - start off with low reps - maybe 15 for squats, and 15 walking lunges
    Each week increase the reps by 5.
    Google on You tube so that you your form is correct.
    The squats and lunges will tone the legs and make them look awesome. Strong and fit.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Well, OP, I'm not sure if you'll see this since there are 2 pages and some of it is people arguing. . . that would turn me off from looking at my own thread. . . but anyway, in my weight loss and fitness journey so far, I've been surprised by the reduction in my thighs. This was unexpected and I think it is partially because I've been doing a lot of cardio involving leg work-- running, biking (on the stationary bike for now), cross-country skiing, and Zumba. I've noticed in my Zumba classes that all the regulars have really nice legs! And I do light to medium weight training, often involving a lot of squats, both weighted and not weighted. Here are links to 2 of my favorite workouts that are great for legs:


    The Glamour workout especially is fun. If you don't have hand weights, use bean cans or jugs of water. :)

    I would think if you start doing some of this stuff, you may see a difference in a few weeks.
  • jesandrews91
    jesandrews91 Posts: 9 Member
    If you go to the gym.. I definitely recommend the stair mill! You will notice results and toning within the first two weeks!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Weight lifting is the way to go!! It does wonders to your body. JS :love:
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    **** I hate workout videos. and weightlifting.

    But this is all great feedback thank you.

    If you want "toned" legs, you need to do some weightlifting. "Toned" means muscular. Muscles don't grow on treadmills.
  • LissaK1981
    LissaK1981 Posts: 219 Member
    Congrats girl on your recovery! I know its hard. Especially with all the negativity and pressure from female body ideals out there. I have put my body through all kinds of stuff. From working hard doing construction (not flagging, but a union carpenter) to being homeless and starving. (literally) My body has gone through the wringer. The time I can remember my thighs looking like what it sounds like you want I kayaked everyday for a few months. I don't share the desire for a thigh gap, but a few months of kayaking and my things slimmed and toned quite noticeably. You use all kinds of muscles to stabilize, especially when turning corners and stuff. Its weird but it seemed to work the inside of me legs as well. Who knew kayaking would work your legs and core so much.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    lunges works thighs in a amazing way..... you can hold dumbbells toward your chest and you'll also get an abs and core workout at the same time....
  • SaebraSpirit
    SaebraSpirit Posts: 150 Member
    I am perfectly happy with my upper body. I have a nice looking stomach, arms, shoulders, and I have a nice collarbone.

    My only problem is my thighs. They arent fat by any means. But I would love for a more toned look, maybe a thigh gap.

    Anyone have any good exercise routines for making them smaller and more toned?
    Or diet solutions?


    I tried to get a 'thigh gap' once and I ended up in hospital and anorexic, dont focus on that goal its ridiculous, your born with it or not.
    However toned thighs means running girl! Sprinting, lunges, squats all good and longer lengths of running will definately make them look good ;)
    As far as diet goes, theres no 'solution' just eat healthy.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    I am a pear shape, am about 60 lbs from the goal my doctor agreed with, and I have a thigh gap. I know I've got extra fat on my thighs, but I still have the gap. My point being I think the gap is attributed to the way your body distributes fat and muscle. I don't exercise much at this point. In fact, my doctor is asking me to exercise more. :P Hope this helps in some way.