Obsessed with weighing myself!

So I've been pretty strict with my calorie counting lately and the weight has just slid right off (even with a cheat day once a week). And I've found that I'm obsessed with weighing myself at least once a day, mainly because it always is going down. It's such a wonderful feeling! Anyone else do this??


  • fitgirldanyel
    fitgirldanyel Posts: 59 Member
    I am and it's driving me insane lol. I'm thinking of taking a month off from the scale. It's great you are seeing a lot of loss right now though :)
  • Alassonde
    Alassonde Posts: 228 Member
    I've been weighing myself daily for years! A few years ago I lost 20 pounds and it was so fun to see the numbers going down! Since then I'm mostly maintaining, but I still like to weigh every day to make sure it's not creeping back. When I see the numbers start to go up I know I'm not watching closely enough.
  • rachelt4284
    rachelt4284 Posts: 1 Member
    def.. i do it at least once a day and again right after i work out-- it's good to see and motivation to keep going!
  • arenad
    arenad Posts: 142 Member
    I get on the scales every morning. I say I'm not, but it's hard.
  • HWeatherholt
    HWeatherholt Posts: 283 Member
    I weigh myself every morning to make sure that I'm on track. I use that number on the exercise machine and then average the machines calorie count with my HRM calorie count to record my exercise. But I only update my weight on mfp and my HRM on Mondays.
  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    They say you are more accountable to what you eat when you weight yourself every morning :). I do this and sometimes its amazing to see it go down and makes me look and watch what I am eating better when the number goes up!!
  • Blue801
    Blue801 Posts: 442
    I weigh daily. I don't feel obsessed though, just like to graph the numbers and its much easier to follow the trends with daily weights.
    At least you're not weighting after every meal, after a shower, after brushing your teeth, that sort of nuttiness. Now that would be obsessed!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I wouldn't log the calories.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I think this is a normal response though it probably could turn into an obsession if you do it more than once a day. I'm kind of amazed i don't do it. I try for once a week. Especially on my once a month doctor visit as i can weigh there at 8am and at home at 9am and see how close they are.
  • wishnik
    wishnik Posts: 5
    Im doing this too. Ive been steadily loosing and last week vowed to not get on the scales., That week id only lost 500 grams which is still a loss but was far from my previous 2.5kg . I think by weighing in every second day im making sure its going down and it makes me push that much harder.
  • keenesmom
    keenesmom Posts: 115 Member
    I weigh myself every day. While I was losing (I'm not maintaining a 50# loss) it was comforting to know that my weight fluctuated on a daily basis. The way I look at it is that if you only weigh once a week, you might weigh yourself on an "up" day and get frustrated and discouraged thinking that you weren't losing weight. I've been on myfitnesspal for over a year and a half and only miss weighing myself when I'm out of town.
  • Ralph54
    Ralph54 Posts: 1 Member
    If you count calories every day…your obsessed too…so weigh in everyday as well…lol
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    It could become a problem when the scale stops going down. Eventually we all hit those plateaus. As long as you can handle that it's all good.
  • jesandrews91
    jesandrews91 Posts: 9 Member
    I have this same problem! I can't wait to get on the scale everyday to see if I've progressed even if it's just a .03 difference on the scale... It keeps me motivated to keep up with my workouts and to go even harder!!. I use Fridays as my "final" weigh in for the week though when recording in MFP...
  • Yes well I've found actually counting calories works, who knew? It's funny to see the number on the scale change, like the day after a cheat day, or during shark week. I've had a few set backs, but overall it just keeps going down! God I wish I had done this when I was 18 rather than 35, but better late than never! Oh and I only weigh myself once a day, so nothing too crazy. Just first thing after getting up.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    I've been doing it since I started MFP(3 days ago). The fluctuations kill me. I think it will help if I only do it once, right after waking up.

    Maybe weekly would be better... but I just got started and I'm too excited.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I've been doing it since I started MFP(3 days ago). The fluctuations kill me. I think it will help if I only do it once, right after waking up.

    Maybe weekly would be better... but I just got started and I'm too excited.

    Congrats on joining & on the baby. :smile:
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    Best part of my day...first thing in the morning on the scale. But it doesn't always go my way : ( Once the weight loss starts to slow down, it's a bummer because that thrill of quick losses is gone. You just have to mentally adjust and use daily weigh-ins as a tracking tool and to keep yourself accountable. Keep up the great work.