Thriftyone Member


  • I'd love to give this a try. Count me in & let me know what I need to do. If you friend me I'll be sure to see all your posts. I only have a few friends on here.
  • Look at it this way, you could have waited longer & gained more. I think we all need a break once in a while. My problem is, I break too often!
  • My hair was falling out terribly. I started taking fish oil capsules. In about a month I could see an improvement. Now I see even more improvement. I have no idea if it will help you, but it may be worth a try.
  • YOU CAN DO THIS but it's going to take a lot more than a wish :wink: I used to weigh more than that, and now, with God's help, I'm down 95 lbs. I'd still like to lose another 10 or 20. You need to exercise and remember it's all about choices.
  • I can't tell you which scale is right, but I can tell you to pick one and stick with it. That way you'll know how much weight you are losing. You could adjust according to your dr.'s scale. If you know it's 5 lbs. less then subtract that every time you weigh. The important part is to be consistent. Good Luck!
  • Just google "calorie burn rate". What it comes down to is how many calories your body takes to stay alive. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. My calorie goal hasn't fluctuated yet either. I'm sure it's because I haven't lost enough weight since I've joined. I'm sure if you lose 10 or 15 lbs., it will…
  • Hi Sharon, I just found this thread today. When will you start a new 90 day period? This one is probably soon over? I just started in March and this sounds great. I need more motivation.
  • I definitely would not lower your exercise. You don't want sagging skin as you lose weight! I have lost about 80 lbs. but I did it very slowly. The first 52 lbs. took exactly one year. I am 63 and don't have the loose skin a lot of people get when they lose that much weight. Take it slow and exercise. You can up your…
  • Born and raised in western PA. Now live in central PA. Just PA all my life, but love traveling all over.
  • I agree green tea is worth trying. I think it helped me. I also found that eating fewer carbs helps. Especially snacking at night, carbs should be limited.
    in Help? Comment by Thriftyone March 2011
  • Jim, You're doing great! Keep up the good work. You're motivating me!
    in Hi All! Comment by Thriftyone March 2011