Which is right?

snowbaby1492 Posts: 75
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
My home scale tells me that I"m 164 lbs now, but my Wii Fit Plus tells me I'm 150. Which is more accurate? I know my home scale is about five pounds heavier than my mom's and my doctor's. So, what do I believe in this situation? How much do I really weigh?


  • Crys1209
    Crys1209 Posts: 128 Member
    I think you should probably go by the scale at your doctors office.
  • So should I put on here that I'm actually 159-160ish rather than 164 that my own scale says?
  • chris0912
    chris0912 Posts: 242 Member
    Test your scale and your Wii board with an item you know the weight of already... a brand new bag of sugar or flour, a barbell, etc. Make sure your scale and your Wii board both sit flat on a hard floor. Scales in doctor's offices are notorious for being wrong because they're calibrated by humans.
  • Thriftyone
    Thriftyone Posts: 12 Member
    I can't tell you which scale is right, but I can tell you to pick one and stick with it. That way you'll know how much weight you are losing. You could adjust according to your dr.'s scale. If you know it's 5 lbs. less then subtract that every time you weigh. The important part is to be consistent. Good Luck!
  • Thanks everyone! chris0912 I think I'll go with your idea and test it.
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