

  • I'm taking fat burners and although i have lost weight off them i feel totally rubbish off them and i wouldn't recommend them to anyone. I take them but i feel it's more of a mental thing as i am trying to push myself that little more in the gym and also eating healthier. So the question is do they work or are they just…
  • One of the women in work is doing T25 by Shaun T. She has seen great results in the first week and it's also enjoyable. It's 25 minute intense workout, but there are different people doing different levels of the exercise so you can follow either one of them. Hard 25 minute work, but that's it, all done :) Good luck
  • First of all mate I’m in exactly the same situation as you. But look at the positive first, you’ve improved, which is the first big step. So don't give up and keep going. Muscle is going to weight heavier than fat. So although you want to lose weight while build muscle, l would recommend measuring rather than weighing…