I'm really struggling to get up in the morning and motivate myself to get to the gym. the Gym opens at 6 and i used to go there and that time, but since coming back from holidays i just lost all motivation to go. I don't want to go after work, because is always full and once i sit down on the sofa, it's game over and i'm…
I've been unwell recently, cold, feeling weak and a chest cough.... Would anyone recommend training while feeling like utter cr@p or leave it for a few days? I've left it for a few days and not been the gym but i feel lazy and rubbish within myself for not going, but want to get rid of the cold so i can get back in the…
How can i get rid of them! i've got rid of my moobs, just about! they don't bounce when i go over bumps anymore, but still got a way to go. But the love handles just won't shift. Trying to get out all the junk food and eat healthy and within 1600 calories and work out 5 mornings a week and 2 evenings a week (rugby) but i…