

  • I was a little over 180 and put 20 pounds on in a few months. My advice is don't up your caloric intake by a few hundred... aim for 4000. It seems like a lot but it as it was said earlier , bulking is difficult. You wanna get big, you gotta eat big and you gotta lift heavy. I hover a little over 200 and Im pretty lean and…
  • I can totally relate to what youre saying. I take a weight gain shake if I need fast calories. Latley Ive been using Mutant Mass although I only take a half serving which gives me 550 calories. The shake with 4 eggs and a bagel takes me beyond what I need for caloric intake. Eggs are easy and quik. Hope this helps.
  • Im 41 years old, 6'1" hovering around 200-204. I was 130 pounds when I started 12 years ago. Im maintain a 3500 calorie a day diet but often go over 4000 because Im very active with a high metabolism(women hate me for that lol). I take a mass gainer shake half mid morning and half evening. It definitely helps with my…