

  • At this rate it's going to take me forever to finish this! I just kind of turn on the DVD when I can, but right now I'm in full Tri Training mode. Anyone else do 'other' workouts as well? Today I did spin class then came home and did W1D2. I may be over doing it. :/
  • Holy moly.... I just finished W1D1. I wonder if I"ll be able to walk tomorrow!! On a side note: 1 year ago I tried doing her 30 Day Shred (original DVD) and could not make it through the first week, even on the modified version. Today... I was at LEAST able to keep up with the modified version. I train for triathlons and…
  • Thank you!! Has anyone followed her 30-day diet plan? It is protein packed, but I'm wondering if it's enough food! For example, the dinners... she doesn't say to add any sides. We usually have a meat, grain and a veggie for dinner. If I put a plate of just meat down for my husband he will think I lost my mind, lol!
  • Can I still join?! I just bought this DVD yesterday. I just watched the first week, and oh my! If I get brave, I'll do it tonight, otherwise, I'm starting in the morning :)
  • Shoppie - I do abs (ahem) twice a week, at core class - here are some things we do: planks - regular and side bicycles scissors - put your hands under your tailbone, lift your legs, and do a cross scissor - in otherwords, cross and uncross your ankles - do this while lifting your legs up and down (does that make sense?!?!…
  • Room for one more?? What plan are you doing? I'm not following a specific plan, just doing things on my own. I find that following an actual diet for me, gets boring. they never really work for me. What calories? MFP says 1750, but I'm trying to keep under 1600/day What exercise plan? I'm training for my first triathlon,…
  • Can I join you ladies?? I'm a SAHM to a beautiful 9 month baby girl. I am struggling to lose the last 10 lbs of my pre-pregnancy weight, then the last 15 to my ultimate goal. I am looking forward to getting to know you, and join you on this weight loss journey! Karla :)
  • Good for you, and WELL SAID!! and yet if you were overweight they would snicker and say - I cant believe she's eating that... make a few changes and they still say - I can't believe she's eating that. People are strange aren't they?!
  • If you are getting them frequently, new shoes are in order. Go to a running store that specializes in running shoes and get fit. It will make all the difference in the world :)
  • I agree with everyone else: you are gaining muscle. Are you noticing you are stronger? I'm in the same boat, I've lost 7 lbs since Jan 1, and the scale hasn't moved, BUT I can totally feel my legs getting stronger, I can run longer distances, I can add heavier weights at the gym, etc. One thing to keep in mind: it takes…
  • What a great transformation!! congrats on your loss!!