

  • I had the exact same experience. I was obsessed with MFP - constantly reading/updating, etc. and it did help, but then I think I just got exhausted and stop doing anything and also gained back about 11 pounds. I'm trying to figure out how to find a healthy balance of recording and such on MFP but not becoming so nutty with…
  • Amen, sister! I honestly look at those Victoria Secret models and think, "Are they even the same species as me?" Then I read an article about how they eat no solids for weeks before a show and I realized that no, they aren't!
  • Daniel Craig is to 2011 what Steve Mcqueen was to the 60s and 70s - a giant hunk of gorgeous covered in awesome sauce!
  • I can completely relate. If the only time I ever ate was when I was actually hungry, I wouldn't have a weight problem. What I try to do which sometimes works (and sometimes doesn't as the empty boxes of Cheez-it can show) is just feel what I'm feeling instead of trying to distract myself with food. If I'm sad, I cry. If…
  • "That is not sweat; it's my fat cells crying" is the BEST quote I've heard in a long, long time! Thank you for it!
  • First off all, thank you so much for your service to our country. Second, we're here for you! I am also absolutely in "I need help" mode as well. Stay positive, stay connected and we can do this together!
  • I was "clean" from WoW for three months, but I had a slip and am playing again! lol
  • *Waving back to you!* I am a 47 year old mom to two nearly grown kids. I also realize that it's very difficult to do this in a vacuum. I think I'd have a much better time staying motivated (especially to exercise) with some like-minded buddies to share the experience with! Please feel free to add me too!
  • Stand strong! Work goodies usually suck anyway!
  • Congratulations on your engagement! I too am "getting back on track" after a few months of not taking proper care of myself - gaining back some of what I'd lost. I am approaching this as a work in progress so I don't get discouraged. Good luck! You can do it!