Gramm12345 Member


  • Hi there, Just joined myself this week. Started at 1200 cal. and trying to get a food plan in order. I too could use the help. Please add me. :):ohwell:
  • I am 53 and menopausal, I find that my energy levels are decreased lately which I am sure is hormonal. But I find when I do my 3-4 days a week workouts it helps my energy level extremely. Good luck with your journey.
  • Hi, I just signed up today! I am looking to loose some unhealthy pounds that just seemed to creep up on me. I have been very unhappy with myself for being over weight. I never had an issue with weight gain until I hit my 40's. It seemed that it was a gradual weight gain, but before I knew it, I was 25 pounds over weight…