

  • I have been drinking a glass of water before every meal, as per the suggestion of a friend. It fills me up so I don't eat as much in one sitting. It forces me to eat smaller more frequent meals.
    in Will power Comment by hses2esf May 2012
  • Hi my name is Amanda and I am 27 years old. I was diagnosed with SLE in 2010 and also suffer from fibromyalgia and PCOS. I am currently on Plaquenil and prednisone mostly because I so far have refused to go on anything stronger ( my doctor wants me on methotrexate) I was 258 pounds at my highest weight due in part to my…
    in Welcome Comment by hses2esf April 2012
  • I tend to come to almost a complete stop when I flare. I'll usually take my excercise routine to going for walks. I will also go to the gym and do just a few minutes of the elliptical or walk on the treadmill. It's not much but I feel accomplished none the less!
    in Flare ups Comment by hses2esf April 2012
  • I was diagnosed with SLE in 2010, PCOS in 2009 at the same time I was diagnosed with insulin resistance that goes along with PCOS. I had my gallbladder removed in April 2009 after a year and a half worth of attacks (didn't have insurance) I also had thyroid issues that we think were associated with the lupus, because now…
  • A lot of times people throw destination weddings knowing the people they are inviting won't be able to afford going. It's a way to keep costs down for the couple. They don't have to worry about the wedding reception and all the people who would be there if it was a local wedding. That is a lot of money for somebody to come…