jhutka Member


  • I'm 165 want to get down to 140, I started at 185. Feel free to add :)
  • I weigh myslef once a week but I don't stress much over it...keep in mind that in the course of one day your body usually fluctuates within a few pounds too. Judge more by how your clothes are fitting and how your body looks, most importantly how you feel and your energy level. When I started I lost like four inches off my…
  • Thats fantastic! keep it up!
  • Wow the pics are amazing! I love that the afters are not only thinner, but happier and you can see the confidence glowing on everyone face :) Awesome! Keep it up!
  • We play one called presidents and *kitten*, not quite as intense as kings, but still a lot of drinking. :)
  • I just started this yesterday :) doing my first 5k in August and totally nervous, running has always been a weakness for me, I can do ellipticals and stair steppers all day but running kills me in bout 3 mins.
  • Lower abs are a hard area to reach, even if you do not want a six pack, strengthing those muscles are a great way to burn that fat (even after your done exercising) My favorite exercise is a called a bridge, its a full lower body one but you can definately feel it in the pouch area. lay on you back with your knees bent and…
  • Hi :) I'm 23 feel free to add! Having support is great! My girlfriends created a secret facebook group dedicates to health and fitness, its one of the greatest ideas anyones ever had!